Thursday, 26 August 2010

To Blog or not to Blog

I'm going to make this quick because I feel like writing yet I don't think I should have time for this now. Well, the big issues are coming up now, like, to go or not to go? to double major or not to double major? to have a social life or not to have a social life? it's all the big questions. Should I suffer through more 6-class-semesters? Should I be worrying about how to fit these classes in my schedule already? Should I really take all these hard classes in one go? Am I making the right decision with this? Am I going to be able to still take the classes I really want? When do I contact my mentor? When do I start my papers? When do I keep studying Spanish? When do I get to mingle? When do I plan Thanksgiving? When do I think about next semester? When do I finally get a hold of what is going on? When do I start planning for the future? When do I get to do social work? When does the parcel arrive with clothes I ordered online? WHEN!?!? I want those damn clothes...

Picture from

Monday, 16 August 2010


Some things are hard to face. Sometimes the only way to face these truths is by trying to eliminate them from your life. So, here's my try at eliminating some of my bad habits and bad addictions. Now, I'm not addicted to drugs or anything like that, thank God, but that doesn't mean I'm not aware of all the little things out there than can get your addicted. You all know what I'm talking about. So, here's my input about what I know is part of my routine, in a bad way. 

1. Chocolate

Yes, you guessed it, chocolate. Probably the most difficult to shake addiction in my life. Chocolate, it'll make me happy, it always gives me what I want. It never talked back to me when I just need to vent. And, it's always there, somewhere, hiding in my cupboard or in the nearest store. There's just so many different kinds that adapt to my needs and my greeds. Who could possibly hate it? (Don't answer that, I know some people that hate chocolate too...)

2. Cookies

Lots and lots of cookies. Sometimes I wonder how fabulous life would be if everything were in cookie form. Cookie dough ice cream is better than regular ice cream. Hash browns look like cookies and are therefore better. Mashed potatoes formed into pancakes look like cookies too, so much better. Then there's cake or muffins in miniature cookie style, better again. Cookie mirrors, fascinating. And come on, you can put anything, anything, into a cookie, i made chocolate, oatmeal, berry, coffee, peanut butter, sugar, butter, other cookies, into cookies, it's all so magical. 

Doesn't this nice mixture look heavenly? I can feel the fat amount growing in my body as I look at the picture.

3. Internet

Yes, even those brutally aware of what they're up against have a moment in life when they realize, that's exactly what is bringing them down. But can we, our generation, really fight against this mega giant? I don't think it's possible to really get ahead in life anymore without the internet in the background, at least generally. Although in my holidays I barely go online, only when I need a healthy change to my routine or when I have to check up something business-style. So, I spend most of my days reading, relaxing, moving about town, swimming or what not. That's not so bad, right? But then again, there are the times when I can't live without the internet. At uni you need it, but sometimes I get so bored all I can do is check my Facebook 50 times in an hour, stalk people online, Stumble somewhere, Google random things. There's just so much you can do, but yet there is never enough. So clearly my life is starting to be ruled by what the internet offers me. I believe what they post online, I trust what they advise, I even sometimes put my credit card numbers up hoping to pay off a debt or some sort. There's just so much!

4. Entertainment

Now what I mean by entertainment is movies and TV shows. No, I say, to most reality shows and talk shows, that's absolutely not what I find entertaining. Some are passable, but don't give me certain racing shows and fighting shows or idol shows or whatever. It's just too stressful! I can't get enough, though, of the exciting thrilling shows I can all watch online or on TV. Thank you, producers, actors, directors and writers of this world for offering me such a grand choice of entertainment, I can constantly watch something new and think about how this or that is great or awful. You know, the usual. When studying I have to watch something to concentrate. I have to do something to get my mind off things. I love the entertainment business. And yes, I just said that.

Pictures from

Sunday, 15 August 2010


I think I just survived what could have easily become a nation-wide crisis. Panic gripped me, I started to shake of fear, my pupils dilated, palms sweaty, blurred vision, the whole she-bang. Thank goodness we were able to contact those needed in order to clear everything up and find a solution. Within what seemed like hours everything was almost back to normal. But that was enough suffering already. How could this all happen at once? What was this crisis, you ask? Well, dear, our internet and internet television stopped working!

I know! I know, I was scared for my life and sanity too. What was I going to do? I haven't been using my computer much lately, but now I was finally going to go back on facebook, chat with some friends who are online, you know, the yushe. (Look mac n' cheese, I'm trying to integrate the us(ual) into my blog! I'll try out some other spellings over time. it doesn't seem right yet.) I read tons of books when I could have been online. I organized my clothes and rearranged my furniture, went through old pictures, watched some DVDs. But now, NOW of all time, no internet...

Well, like I said, it's all OK now. Our internet is back and our TV is starting to get better. Slightly blocky in shows, freezing once in a while. But that's ok because at least it's not frozen on that screen of an ugly shiny red handbag made of what looked like trash bags. So no worries, life is back on track.

Pictures from

Friday, 13 August 2010

The V- v-... the ve- ve-... the Vet

Poor animals, I think, suffering through what they don't understand although we only mean the best. Poor animals, I think, as I watch my cat tumble about in the little box from which she can see only the turbulent world around her. Poor animals, I think, when I get to the waiting room and watch other animals stumble, limp, lay near-to lifeless, completely depending on their owners to make them feel better while keeping them safe from whatever else is around them that they don't understand. Poor animals.

So, they trust us, they love us, they know we always bring them back home (at least those of us that aren't cold, heartless losers: But still my kitten, 19.5 year old three-coloured cat, was crying as if she thought we were never bringing her back home. Confused, rattled, uncomfortable, she stood up but fell back down because of the rattling taxi that drove quickly, trying to be careful at the same time. 

And so, as we got home from the vet, my kitten hurried out of the little box and strolled around in a big circle, finally plumping herself onto the ground on her usual corner. She gave us some "I'll never forgive you" looks, and some "It's not hurting anymore" looks, but the long lasting look was "When will this gross feeling go away?!?" and came to sit next to us, putting her head in our hands for comfort. 
Throughout the day her behaviour was strange. Constantly running around looking for something or someone, my kitty had no idea that her medicine was probably making her react to things she otherwise never even noticed. 
Now, evening, all better in cat town, she's back to her cuddling and trusting self. My kitten has eaten, drank, slept, and even ate her medicine with only slight contest. Good work kitty.

Pictures from

Friday, 6 August 2010

The 5 Star life

Lucky me? I think so. Not everyone can live like some of us. Here's a little bit something I learned while growing up with opportunities. I get confused easily and, something you all probably already know, forget things, so here's the jumble:

We got to stay in a beautiful hotel in Manila, Philippines. It was fantastic, beautiful, great service, eye candy, you know, the usual. Seeing and living in something like this in Makati Manila is very dramatic because you are constantly surrounded by other people who may not be as fortunate as you. Not far away are villages of those who cannot even afford a roof over their heads. It makes you consider how lucky you truly are to be able to afford this all, even things that are probably too good to be true.

Then you step outside and travel to Intramuros, a town built inside the old protective walls but, unluckily, not exposed to the tourism they want and need in order to better their lifestyle. The people are friendly, they look happy, but they live in conditions I would not be able to stand. Surrounded by stone on every side, heat pools into Intramuros and it gets more blistering than something I could even imagine. The sewage system seems antique and therefore everyone is exposed to waste, bodily and otherwise, basically at all times of the day. There are some wonderful places in Intramuros and it is definitely worth a see. But once again I thought, how lucky am I not to have been born into this life, do you really have a chance to get out?

Then, back to the hotel, service, air conditioning, non-stop food and drink sources, and a wonderful bathroom where we could shower with music. It was shocking, to say the least, to move from one extreme to the next without even really seeing the worst of things out there. 

What we see in Intramuros is the idea of "One day at a time". It was fascinating how people were kind and fun and didn't mind having pictures taken of them. In fact, they were excited and brought the kids to be in pictures.

And then there's this.

Seriously, I feel like the luckiest person in the world, being able to not worry about tomorrows dinner or my education!


Dear Blog,

I have neglected you like for so long now. I don't even remember what I wrote about last. I think I should check that up... So much has happened since Hong Kong began. But not all in one go. First I'm going to tell you about Hong Kong in general. 

1. It's extremely hot. I mean, extremely hot. When leaving the house I feel like my skin is either melting off my bones or perhaps my bones are melting... I'm not sure yet. Another theory of mine is that everything is slowly vaporizing and we're just accepting it. But that doesn't seem to make sense because I would be losing weight then and clearly I am not. Yesterday I actually went home after the necessary market run for vegetables and fish instead of going to buy shoes and bags! Can you believe that? If you were here it wouldn't be hard to believe. 

2. People are mean when it comes to money! At a market they get insulted if you just look at things and not buy. And then they swear at you if you think something costs too much. Dear Blog, explain to me why people get unfriendly like this. 

3. This might not be something to talk about in a positive way, but the pollution and storms actually made the sky look awesomely amazing. I think it was about three days after Hong Kong flooded when the sky turned completely pink and the sun shone in some deep orange tones. 

So, now that you get the general idea of what Hong Kong has been like for the last couple of days here are some pictures: