Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Last time, on "America"...

As I promised, the follow up of the last American blog is here. I call is, the New World Blog. Anyway, the topic of today: What I thought was not the "real America" turns out to be the "real America". It's like driving across a set for something like Nightmare on Elm Street, One Tree Hill, or something. You know, the real American experience. So, here's some proof. 

Houses with driveways with enough space for about five cars. No wonder movies show people playing basketball, racing bikes, playing with the hoses, etc., in the driveways. An average driveway here is about the size of my old apartment in Spain. The houses look like they were freshly painted. The lawns perfectly mowed. The flowers taken care of. Sometimes you'll see a man cleaning his nice car on the driveway. Sometime you'll see a woman tending to the bushes or cleaning the stairs to the house. And almost every house has an American flag flowing in the wind next to the house. 

Cars, they're like the prize possessions of the citizens of the US. They have them for years, sometimes far beyond their due dates. Some cars look like they crashed into several trees yet they're still on the road and driving. Other cars are so nice. I mean, like, super nice. They have custom licence plates. Custom wheel covers. Custom everything. The one above was one of those exemplars. They really love dogs. 

The mailboxes. Yes, I have found the ultimate American Mailbox. I was really surprised to see these actually existed. I mean, I guess I should have expected it, but they really have these kinds of mailboxes with the little red handle and stuff. But how cool is it that there is a mailbox out in the driveway and the mail man can just walk by and throw in the mail. So, you're telling me they don't even need to get out of the car. That's right, not even get out of the car. 

Row bonus!

White picket fence bonus!

One of the ultimate American houses!

This is exactly how I imagined an American house to look like. Exhibit one: the several storey house with a beautiful façade. Exhibit two: the awesome Roman design. Exhibit three: the big brown entrance door. Exhibit four: the nicely trimmed lawn and perfect symmetry. Exhibit five: the American Flag. Big time bonus.
Love it.


  1. Wow! This really exists?? Great pictures!!!! Good article!

  2. haha, yeah! i was surprised also!

  3. I never realized a mailbox with a red flag was so exciting. :D But if I were you I'd be excited by it too.
