Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The cause of obesity

The Superbowl, a tradition not understood by many. A tradition that led to the famous Super bowl halftime show, often more liked than the game itself. The famous Super bowl halftime flush. Ladies and gentlemen, this is when the entire nation gets up to use the bathroom, all together, during the halftime of the game. The sewers are flooded by who knows what and filled to the rim. people even speculate a flush, one day, that will destroy cities because the piped blow up, throwing what we flush around the city! That's disgusting! Who came up with that theory? Does it count as legit research? Because, I wouldn't want that research associated to my name:

The Super Bowl Flush: The Next Man-Made Disaster 
When Shit Hits The High Rises

Sounds like they might have some interesting research methods... anyway... This year, Greenbay Packers vs Steelers. No idea who they are. Don't understand the game much either. But I watched so we could make dip and chips, drink tons of beer, and watch the commercials in the half time show. The half time show wasn't as epic as expected, but just the thought of Janet Jackson there years ago was amusing. 

It was the funest sports show to watch. There was so much food.... so much food. And the food you see above? It was for four people. 4. It was so much fun watching the funny commercials and eating. Mostly the eating and drinking. Water, of course.... I can't wait to do it again next year. 

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