Sunday, 29 May 2011

Mission Metabolism

As you may or may not know, nutrition is important. That is why I have decided to start once again to completely round out my intake of food and accept back into my heart the foods I have been neglecting for so long. Yes, I am talking about chocolate. It was a glorious day. Yesterday, with tons of food out for the party and plenty more to come for deserts that I have been baking and making in the past two days, I knew I was going to crack and just accept it as inevitable. I was going to relapse. I had been working so hard, only having chocolate once in a while, in ice cream or something, on bad days, the usual. But this time it was different. This time it was going to happen on a larger scale. Not only was I going to have chocolate, I was going to have cookies and cake as well. 

Yeah, it was quite a feast. With Toggeburger, banana bread, hazelnut cookies with Nutella, and marshmallow chocolate bites, it was going to be difficult to stay away. And so I didn't. I realized though one very important thing. I decided I wasn't going to focus on weight loss anymore, saying that I just need to exercise and eat less. Eat healthier. etc etc. I eat healthy, clearly... I think from now on I'm just going to blame my metabolism. 

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


So moving day has come and we were up bright and early at 10:30. I moved around some things and got boxes ready, and at 11:20 we had the first load of the car packed up and ready to drive to the new place. Once there we met with the maintenance and facilities guys and they gave us our keys and showed us everything again. That's when we suddenly heard about things our leasing guy had forgotten to mention somehow. 

  1. Renter's insurance is mandatory.... we had no idea and don't know how to get it either, our leasing guy was no help when we asked him about it. And he also never mentioned it was mandatory.
  2. Although internet is included in the building and we were told there's Wifi in the building, it turns out we need to contact the internet provider and get them to set up our internet... then they will send the bill to the people owning the building. I can't believe he didn't tell us this, because now we're moving in there and we have no internet.
  3. We need to call the electricity company and change the name. We have to contact them, try to get them to figure out what we're talking about because we don't have the account number, and set the people up to change the apartment to our name... Why exactly is it that we have to contact everyone for this crap???

But that's not even all. Moving day could have been so much more calming, but also more difficult for so many reasons. Pro: we had two great friends helping us out and they were fantastic. They helped carry stuff up and down and didn't complain once. They were great. 
Aber dann war ja noch die Eine und ihre Muti. Unglaublich wie stur und unfreundlich beide sind, sogar zu einander.Und jetzt bin ich erschoepft. 

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Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The end of junior year

WOOO! I'm all done with exams, all packed up, organized, and ready. Tomorrow morning we get our new keys and move all our stuff. But first, tonight we're having friends over for a bachelorette party. I can't wait, we're going to have drinks here and then go to an Arabic restaurant. And then when I get home we'll get ready to go to a club with specials and dance. I haven't danced in so long, I feel the need, like a drug...... yes, exactly. And right now? We're being really academic. We're watching Star Trek for the second time in three days. It's pretty great!

Picture from

Monday, 16 May 2011

Wait for it...

So I wish I could update you guys on some cool outings I did, like going to a baseball game and sitting in great box seats, but my camera doesn't connect to my computer for some reason, the SD chip won't work... so that will have to wait. For now, let me just tell you all about what's happening right now. Today, like last Thursday, I had to get up at 6 in the morning. It was exhausting. I studies, took a nap about thirty minutes later for 30 minutes, then studied some more, and went to my exam. This morning I had an exam, and while it was on media I was confident I would do ok. I watch TV and movies all the time, how hard could it be? Well, it wasn't, just in case you were expecting the contrary. It was easy, I was done in an hour. I even ended my essay in the essay section about the importance of understanding media with: As a wise man once said, "with great power comes great responsibility." And in case some of you don't know the quote, it's from Spiderman. I thought it was appropriate since the class was also about movies and such.

Now I had to wait three hours, which are almost over. In 30 minutes I have my last exam here of my junior year at university. I can't wait to get it over with because there are big plans this week! Tonight, a friend of mine wanted to do a trip, although she has been MIA for the past three days. We'll see. Tomorrow another friend is having a bachelorette party and we're going out for drinks and dinner. Wednesday we move in to our new place and I'll be all packed up. I can't wait to unpack! I just love packing and unpacking!! Good thing, because I seem to do it so much. I've lived in 4 different places in the past three years not including this upcoming place.

Then Thursday I'm hanging out with the parents of a friend who is graduating. We'll be going around the city I think. Should be nice since it's warming up again from sub freezing temperatures mid May! Stupid weather god... seriously, what's wrong with you? And Friday and Saturday are various graduations and I get to wear my new awesome dresses. They're so pretty, I can't wait. I can't wait because Saturday brings the day before my flight back home. Meaning I'll be such a wreck all day because I'm too excited. I'll be gitty and happy all day and pack and sleep in my new room for the first time, and move the last things. And then Sunday morning I'll be off to fly home for the summer. This week shall be Legen- wait for it...

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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Ich erwarte dich schon... so very long aready....

The long awaited end. Finally, the 2010-2011 school year is coming to an end. Although I don't like seeing friends leave to the real world, or as I now like to call it, hell, I still am very very excited and relieved that in two days I will be finishing up my exams and moving on to the break. We'll be packing up all our things and moving to our new home too, so that's another exciting step. In addition, three of my good friends are graduating and I am here to see it, so I can also prepare for my own graduation and wonder who will trip and fall while getting their diplomas. While I study and stress about things, great news reached me from all the way back home. Everything is alright. The rock that fell from my heart has never been larger. Although I have been told, it's probably nothing serious, this happens to many people and it's mostly OK, you never really know and your mind just always thinks the worst. You get me.

So now that this week has come to a happy end, having started so awfully, I'm relieved that everything is falling into place. Just a week and I'll be nervous about coming home. The long long flight, but it will be worth it, and for once I am actually nto bothered by the hours on end spent in the plane, I can live with it. It will end and I'll be home. And home will be great. I'm so excited it's difficult to contain. But just another week. The week will pass quick, I tell it to. Monday, exam, second exam, 10 minute celebration, job interview, more celebration. Tuesday, packing more packing, more packing, getting furniture, sleeping and eating. Wednesday moving out and moving in. Unpacking so I have my suitcase back. Relaxing because everything went well. And then it's already graduation and I can wear my new awesome dresses. And then the night before I fly I probably can't sleep so it will be fine and I'll sleep in the plane. Whoo!!! If I weren't in the library right now, feigning studying for my exams, I would jump around of excitement. But I think it would be misinterpreted by the other students that already look unhappy that I'm typing so furiously. So off I go, to real studying. I'll check in with you again soon because I'll have more time and more reason to celebrate once exams are over.
Live long and prosper.

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Saturday, 7 May 2011

Well there goes my captain's log run.... Cinco de Mayo Margarita night and the next day Cardinals box seats were too tempting for the alcoholic in me. A month was good enough....

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Captains log: Day 30

I've had two days of drinking in the past month. That is all. That's right! No alcohol for almost an entire month!!
It's like the world is going under.

And now?

The semester is quickly coming to an end. One more week of classes, then 10 days of finals and 4 days of moving. After that, I'm home free. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's start here. The one week of classes. I have finished all my assignments, just got it done today actually. And geez was there a lot of work. but you know me, always getting my stuff done on time. Good good. But then why am I here. Well, now that I have a week to spend doing nothing and attending classes that right now are presentations or group meetings mostly, what shall I do... what shall I do. I've been working on trying to figure out what I want to do for a while now. But you know the rules of college: technically I should start working on the next thing now --> exam preparation. But that's not going to happen. Too much time between now and the exams to be worth it. I'll forget everything. So, I have decided to spend my time watching movies, eating. going to the gym, and playing games. So productive. 

I made delicious banana bread the other day. And today I had stir fry the healthy way. Oven and microwaved frozen veggies. I'm convinced that's healthy, so don't rain on my parade. 
And then comes the packing. I'm so excited to go home and move apartments here that I just want to start already. I've been looking at my things and trying to figure out how I want to pack it all. Then I also wanted to figure out if I wanted to take two bags home or not. I would have enough things to take but I guess I could stick to one... But we'll see.. for now:

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