Monday, 16 May 2011

Wait for it...

So I wish I could update you guys on some cool outings I did, like going to a baseball game and sitting in great box seats, but my camera doesn't connect to my computer for some reason, the SD chip won't work... so that will have to wait. For now, let me just tell you all about what's happening right now. Today, like last Thursday, I had to get up at 6 in the morning. It was exhausting. I studies, took a nap about thirty minutes later for 30 minutes, then studied some more, and went to my exam. This morning I had an exam, and while it was on media I was confident I would do ok. I watch TV and movies all the time, how hard could it be? Well, it wasn't, just in case you were expecting the contrary. It was easy, I was done in an hour. I even ended my essay in the essay section about the importance of understanding media with: As a wise man once said, "with great power comes great responsibility." And in case some of you don't know the quote, it's from Spiderman. I thought it was appropriate since the class was also about movies and such.

Now I had to wait three hours, which are almost over. In 30 minutes I have my last exam here of my junior year at university. I can't wait to get it over with because there are big plans this week! Tonight, a friend of mine wanted to do a trip, although she has been MIA for the past three days. We'll see. Tomorrow another friend is having a bachelorette party and we're going out for drinks and dinner. Wednesday we move in to our new place and I'll be all packed up. I can't wait to unpack! I just love packing and unpacking!! Good thing, because I seem to do it so much. I've lived in 4 different places in the past three years not including this upcoming place.

Then Thursday I'm hanging out with the parents of a friend who is graduating. We'll be going around the city I think. Should be nice since it's warming up again from sub freezing temperatures mid May! Stupid weather god... seriously, what's wrong with you? And Friday and Saturday are various graduations and I get to wear my new awesome dresses. They're so pretty, I can't wait. I can't wait because Saturday brings the day before my flight back home. Meaning I'll be such a wreck all day because I'm too excited. I'll be gitty and happy all day and pack and sleep in my new room for the first time, and move the last things. And then Sunday morning I'll be off to fly home for the summer. This week shall be Legen- wait for it...

Pictures from

1 comment:

  1. Oh nice! I'm all excited toooooooooooooooooooooo.. can't wait!!!!!!!!!
