Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The hope

Some moments in life really make you set your priorities straight. This moment came for me once more this morning when I realized there weer only about three more weeks before the end of the semester when I have to have all my stuff done and ready. So I had reality sneak up on me once more and it smacked me in the face.
Now I'm setting my priorities in order so first thing I did was write a To-do list. I organized the to-do list, then I colour coded it, and now I'm writing a blog about it. Time management at its finest right here.
The problem most people probably face at this phase is not the management of time, with so much management of other things to do than work that's not the issue. The true issue is just motivation to start whatever we need to start. That's the problem I have every time. I can finish it once it's started, I just can't manage to get the first sentence of a paper out, the first page of a book read, or the first communication with a group going.
Tomorrow I'll be busy, so that's my excuse for not doing my work then. But I promise on Thursday I'll get my first three papers done and wrapped up. I hope...

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!! In 3 weeks........ jiiiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
