Sunday, 27 January 2013

Tools and Strategies for a successful life as a socially awkward woman:

- As soon as I tell people what I'm studying all other information becomes irrelevant that's why I start with that subject and I no longer need to talk to them about anything else. Bingo, socializing avoided.
- Sarcasm is not understood by many people
- Avoiding people is easy if you just stay home, do nothing, and avoid having a social life all in all
- Texting people is better than talking because I do not need to put effort into intonation
- I know more about serial killers than is probably healthy to admit
- Letting guys open things for me, like jars and cans, lets them feel powerful, but really I am the overlord of power muahahah!
- On three occasions now have I said: "I need to use the restroom" and never went back. It's a very effective strategy when whoever your with doesn't get your sarcasm
- When things get awkward make the situation more awkward so people walk away in horror and you are free
- Growing a mustache is not an appropriate conversation topic for a girl outside a potential employer's office
- Try playing computer games alone when you play like me: whenever something shows up on screen that moves and is not me I scream and run in real life. In the game my character gets killed...
- A good skill for a girl, be able to drink lots of beer. Then play drinking games with the guys and when they are drunk they won't realize when you leave a t 11 when you're tired and just want to sit in bed eating chips and watching the Simpsons

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