Monday, 27 December 2010

Always complaining

Sometimes you think you get to somewhere, after travelling for hours, and you will get a warm welcoming. Well, sometimes you're mistaken. Sometimes, the people that should give you a warm welcoming home, although it's been a week since I arrived, complain about not being able to read a new post after the one about cheese... I thought that one was pretty good. But now, on a nice cozy and movie Monday night I have to come up with a post after being so busy myself? I don't think so. Does it look like I can think right now? I am in movie mode.
You happy about this post now? It's a new title!
Can you still complain about my blog?

I'm just kidding around, this is directed at the person sitting next to me. But if you at all feel spoken to, then that's alright by me! Have a great Monday!

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Thursday, 16 December 2010

American Cheese

Since I have so much time on my hands I decided to go to dinner. First I was thinking, not the hotel restaurant, it's so fancy. But I went anyway, with a book at hand and my voucher from the airline. I sat down and ordered my food, a small pizza and backed goat cheese in a red pepper sauce. Both of it was delicious and I was so full afterwards because I didn't eat anything all day because of my stupid flight delay and then missature... yeah, I just made up a word. 
DELICIOUS, just like this:

I just found it online, no real connection to my story. Anyway. I sat there alone, eating my food, thinking about what the flavour were because I didn't want to think about how I missed the bloody flight by 10 minutes stupid United! So I really liked that dinner, it was nice to just sit there in silence thinking about the food in front of me rather than discussing something that distracts from that or having some sort of conversation that may confuse, frustrate, or otherwise evoke emotions undesired right now. I didn't want to think about any of that because it would just piss me off. 

But something I learned, other than baked goat cheese in a red pepper sauce is deliciously awesome, is that it seems that Americans don't really know what cheese is. I mean no offence to those that do, but generally... come on. If you know cheese, you really know it and appreciate it, my hat's off to you. But those that don't know cheeses really don't know cheeses and don't seem to realize that so much of the cheese used is like this industrial strength rat repellent. If you melted it, formed it into something, and then attempted at melting it again, I'm pretty sure your oven or microwave will burst into flame or run away. There's powdered cheese, OK, I guess I've seen that before, but this powdered cheese turns into like a slab of cheese once you add water. Holes and all. And don't even get me started on cheese in a tube or in a can! What kind of creation from the underworld came up with that!?! 

So the point of this entire post is that the pizza I had for dinner had an unidentifiable cheese on it. It wasn't bad or anything, it was just weird having that moment of "What is this flavour? Oh, it's cheese..."

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F you delays

You heard me right. F you! i'm at the airport, bright an early. 30 minutes before I'm supposed to be for normal check in. Everything is going smoothly. But the ice and snow I was so excited about stabbed me in the back. Once at the airport I stroll to the gate thinking, this is wonderful because when I asked at check in if I could get on an earlier flight because of potential delays, they told me. Oh no! Everything's on time! Your flight is fine! Well guess what United. It's not, the first flight is more than an hour delayed and so when I get to the airport I run like hell, after having to wait bloody long for them to give me back my bag, and also for the shuttle to finally get there, and also for the lady taking care of everyone getting on the plane to make up her mind. Well, I missed my flight by ten minutes. I could have made it maybe had they gotten their shit together. They all knew I had a connecting flight because I told them like 5 times each. 

No, you know what? The hotel is nice. They give me one meal for free each day worth 15$, I guess it could be worse. I'm just so pissed I missed it by 10 minutes and now I can't get on another flight for two days because the dude in front of me was being a drama queen and couldn't figure it out. So some other people got the seats that were free before on the flight via San Francisco. Bitch! I'm mad. But at least the hotel is nice. But there's no entertainment. There's a gym and pool, so I'll go there. I guess... I just want to be home! ARGH!!!!!!!!

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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The day before the storm

In just 24 hours I will be in an airplane not planning on landing for another 15 hours. But this time something is different. Not only am I not dreading the long flight, the stop over, the stress of having only 45 minutes between flights. I don't mind all that. All I mind is not being able to be home yet. All other times I focused on the uncomfortable seats. The annoying people. The terrible food and drink service. The constricting seats. The awkward bathrooms. Not having a private TV! That one still annoys me. But whatever. I'll get over it. I'll be home soon, in 24 hours I'll be on my way and in 48 hours I'll be at home. Finally, with all my things. I can't wait. 

My strategy this time around is go in not being stressed. Be nice and calm. Not worry about how long the flight is. Never check the time. Watch all the movies. Read my book. Listen to music. Probably never sleep, that just makes it worse. That's my approach...

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Monday, 13 December 2010


How often have you found yourself thinking about doing something important, planning it all out, organizing your notes or whatever is needed. But then when it comes to actually doing what you have planned out to the minute... well that's another story. Right now I find myself in front of my notes thinking about anything but studying. I am looking up stores wondering what I would look good in. I am reading other blogs and wondering what they are doing in their lives. I am chatting with friends and family thinking about when I will see them. But most importantly. I am leaning over my notes for my last final, completely ignoring them like a good student would. 

I've listened to my top choice in songs right now about ten times today. Followed by looking at the food left in my freezer without actually making a decision. Then I met some friends to go shoe shopping which was majorly successful and I look smoking in my new shoes. Back home I watched TV for a while, opening my notebook to the right page, making sure everything was there about three times before reading the first word. And now it's 11:11 and I read three pages of my 15 page notes. 

Today wasn't completely useless, I met with an Internship supervisor and we are looking into internships for next semester. And I emptied my mailbox for the semester and paid something they told me was due today, in an email I got today... So at least I got out of the house. Twice, actually. 
And so now that I have settled in, fluffed my pillows, pulled my blanket over my knees. I'm ready to study. But what am I doing? Writing in my blog about how well I'm doing at anything but studying. If only there were a job I could apply this to so I could write in my resume that I was very skilled at procrastination. It seems that this semester has been exceptionally cursed with this skill.

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Sunday, 12 December 2010

Nailed with white stuff

Yeah, that's right. I just wrote that. It's the Facebook status of a school organization here because it's snowing. How great is that? I mean the status and the snowing. So now it's all winter wonderland outside and I really want to go out there but no one wants to come with me. Well, OK, it was nicer last night when it was fresh, now it's just all recycled snow. It's like when you make food and it's awesome when you eat it fresh and then you have left overs that people walked over and cars drove over the next day. OK, well I guess that doesn't really work... but you get it, right?

So last night as I was going to bed after some really strange noises coming from outside I take one last glance out the peep hole. There's a lot of water on the ground, I think. But then the wood got really light too... After about 5 minutes of confusion and looking out the peep hole I realize, that's not water! That's snow! So I rush over to the window, and ta-da, so much snow! I mean, the floor was covered in so much stuff you could have buried your baby under there.

It was amazing. I thought it would all happen once I left. But how great is this. In the last couple of days the weather has been so confusing. Two days ago: 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit, which is like 20 Celsius, and nice and sunny. Yesterday: foggy and rainy and cold as hell, probably below freezing. Today: snow, kind of snow stormy and slightly warmer, I guess. I'm not planning on going outside to check... so we'll just rely on me for this temperature check. 
But I can't wait to go back to warmth back home, and that's in 4 days!!! wooo!!!

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Saturday, 11 December 2010

Foolish mortals

I knew immediately when I got up this morning that it was going to be a miserable day. It was gray outside and it was rainy. Although it wasn't raining when I got up to check the weather, I was sure it was going to rain as soon as I stepped outside. So, surely enough, I went outside and it began to rain. I dragged my feet over to my friend's place and thought only of the fun we were going to have making cinnamon rolls and then heading out to Target. Well, I guess we weren't the only ones that thought that would be the only thing you can do on a day like this. 

But anyway, we had cinnamon rolls and played 20 questions. Another friend was going to return it because it was a single game, not meant for more people. So we played it to make sure it wasn't any kind of fun. It was fun, it just didn't work right. We thought tea, it told us soda. And after some awkward pick up lines like Does it get wet? Does it get hot? Does it get hard? It guessed coffee. OK, not winning here. So we thought, give it a second chance. Condoms, it didn't guess that either, it thought dental floss. Back you go, no good...

At target all I needed was 2 toys, I knew exactly which ones I wanted. But everyone wanted toys. Everyone. I couldn't find anything I needed. But finally I got some Legos and I clung on to them for dear life! Some woman reached in and grabbed one from right under my hand because she wanted it so desperately. Finally back home and I decided, no more moving. So I took my blanket, my computer, my knitting stuff, and pulled up my stockings and reading glasses to make some socks for my granddaughter.... Every time I knit I feel like an old lady...

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Thursday, 9 December 2010

The mystery of Finals

So the week of finals has begun. Actually, it's basically over. I have one more final next Tuesday, then I'm done. Anyway, It started off with a band. A Christmas celebration. So no one was studying that day, but that's alright because we had an entire day devoted to studying. So that day was going to be filled with studying, right? Well, wrong. Because I slept in, took my time, and around 4 or 5 in the afternoon I started reading. 

Off to the library then. I went there at 7 and left at 3 in the morning. And most of the time I was walking around looking for the drinking fountain or the bathroom because I found the drinking fountain. It was procrastination at it's best. "But tomorrow I have an exam on Forensic Science!" I thought to myself. Damn, that is not going to go well... But it's alright, I paid attention in class, and to the last season of CSI... In the last couple of days I spent more hours in the library than I did sleeping.

So the final came and went and it went really well. The time spent checking my email and Facebook in the library really helped. 
Moving on to the next final, the hardest one in the batch for me this semester. Classical Sociological Theory. Cool, I can do that, I think. I studied, I actually did, I promise. And I went to the library at 7pm and left at midnight. Again, I spent most of my time checking emails and looking at But at midnight I felt like it was a good idea to read my notes once, quickly, go to sleep, get up at 8, read the parts I don't know that well, and go back to sleep until my exam at noon. So I did that. Slept until 8, read, went back to sleep until 11... Again, the exam went fine, except one question I blanked on. 5 points down the drain, but whatever. 

Also, just so you know, during my time studying I discovered a lot of new music such as Metric and Cee-Lo Green. It's awesome. I spent about an hour before each study session finding music to listen to. Then I spend the next hour listening to everything once. And then I'll read my notes. So now here I am, tomorrow I have a take home exam due which I finished a couple of days ago. We convinced the professor to make it a take home because the exam was to be at 8am. So, we can take it home and email it to him, right? Well, no, the exam is still due during class. But at what time? Uhh, of course, 8am... because that wouldn't make sense otherwise if we were to hand it in later. Because now turning the exam into a take home really made sense... So I still have to get up earlier, but at least it was a take home exam which is so much easier...

Now the next exam is on Tuesday. I'm ready for that one. No worries. This end of the semester is awesome. Saturday I am going to buy toys and have home made cinnamon rolls at a friend's place. Then in the evening I hope to go out dancing. Sunday will consist mostly of sleeping and probably some packing. Monday will be study day which means music and movie time. Tuesday is the exam, later that day we re going to a bar. And Wednesday is my packing and cleaning day, the day before I leave to go home!!!! Wooo!!! This is exciting.

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Sunday, 5 December 2010

Just dance

Last night a friend hosted a party where we were to play Wii. Excited, we all dressed up ridiculously, I wore a dress and bright socks over my black leggings, and a bright blue bob wig. Others came dressed up as 80's dancers. It was amazing. We danced like mad and then switched to Singstar where those not singing danced like the background dancers in the video. 

I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Don't get me wrong. I've had plenty of fun nights, but there's always a point where you stop being active and start getting tired. But this night we danced and sang from 9pm to 3 in the morning. Non stop. I mean, there was a five minute break in between where we played the Kangaroo game. It's listening to this song and then drinking a shot of beer or your drink every time they say Kangaroo. Try it, but be warned. 

All night we were shouting and singing and dancing and there are probably hundreds of pictures that are so hilariously awkward because we're not moving in the pictures obviously and it looks like we're playing the statue game...

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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Thanksgiving 2

For years I've been faking it. I've been pretending to know.. I'm talking about Thanksgiving. We hit it pretty darn close. In the last two years we pretty much copied everything I saw when I went to a real legit thanksgiving last Thursday. I joined my roommate and went to her grandma's place to have a serious family party with little kids and babies and stuff. And lots of food! It was amazing. The turkey was huge and there were so many other things as side dishes. And since we went there at 1 in the afternoon and left at like 8 or 9 at night we ate about 3 or 4 rounds of food. All in all, I don't think I've eaten that much in a day in a while. 

That evening we decided the night couldn't be over so my roommate, her brothers, and I went to a really cool bad. Late at night, around midnight, we got home and happy black Friday! For those that don't know, black Friday is a huge sale all over the US with stores selling awesome stuff for a fraction of the price. This year, at Walmart it started at midnight and electronics at 5 am. Target it started at 4am. Other places also at 5 am and 6am. So, of course, people started lining up at 6pm the previous day. When we were driving home from the dinner we drove past some of them and spoke to a guy who all in all waited for 12 hours.... outside in the cold....

So we drove to Walmart at 2am and encountered people who were so exhausted from waiting and the cold that they were like zombies, strolling around and sitting on the floor. Some people had to wait another 3 hours for the electronics sale... why would you do that to yourself? But anyway, Walmart was handing out 5 hour energy drinks and so when we got one, shared it and only had a little each, we were so energized that I barely know how we got from one side of the store to the other without running over people...
It was all a great experience, and the stories about people dying in stampedes and stuff, I totally get it now. 

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