Monday, 13 December 2010


How often have you found yourself thinking about doing something important, planning it all out, organizing your notes or whatever is needed. But then when it comes to actually doing what you have planned out to the minute... well that's another story. Right now I find myself in front of my notes thinking about anything but studying. I am looking up stores wondering what I would look good in. I am reading other blogs and wondering what they are doing in their lives. I am chatting with friends and family thinking about when I will see them. But most importantly. I am leaning over my notes for my last final, completely ignoring them like a good student would. 

I've listened to my top choice in songs right now about ten times today. Followed by looking at the food left in my freezer without actually making a decision. Then I met some friends to go shoe shopping which was majorly successful and I look smoking in my new shoes. Back home I watched TV for a while, opening my notebook to the right page, making sure everything was there about three times before reading the first word. And now it's 11:11 and I read three pages of my 15 page notes. 

Today wasn't completely useless, I met with an Internship supervisor and we are looking into internships for next semester. And I emptied my mailbox for the semester and paid something they told me was due today, in an email I got today... So at least I got out of the house. Twice, actually. 
And so now that I have settled in, fluffed my pillows, pulled my blanket over my knees. I'm ready to study. But what am I doing? Writing in my blog about how well I'm doing at anything but studying. If only there were a job I could apply this to so I could write in my resume that I was very skilled at procrastination. It seems that this semester has been exceptionally cursed with this skill.

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