Thursday, 9 December 2010

The mystery of Finals

So the week of finals has begun. Actually, it's basically over. I have one more final next Tuesday, then I'm done. Anyway, It started off with a band. A Christmas celebration. So no one was studying that day, but that's alright because we had an entire day devoted to studying. So that day was going to be filled with studying, right? Well, wrong. Because I slept in, took my time, and around 4 or 5 in the afternoon I started reading. 

Off to the library then. I went there at 7 and left at 3 in the morning. And most of the time I was walking around looking for the drinking fountain or the bathroom because I found the drinking fountain. It was procrastination at it's best. "But tomorrow I have an exam on Forensic Science!" I thought to myself. Damn, that is not going to go well... But it's alright, I paid attention in class, and to the last season of CSI... In the last couple of days I spent more hours in the library than I did sleeping.

So the final came and went and it went really well. The time spent checking my email and Facebook in the library really helped. 
Moving on to the next final, the hardest one in the batch for me this semester. Classical Sociological Theory. Cool, I can do that, I think. I studied, I actually did, I promise. And I went to the library at 7pm and left at midnight. Again, I spent most of my time checking emails and looking at But at midnight I felt like it was a good idea to read my notes once, quickly, go to sleep, get up at 8, read the parts I don't know that well, and go back to sleep until my exam at noon. So I did that. Slept until 8, read, went back to sleep until 11... Again, the exam went fine, except one question I blanked on. 5 points down the drain, but whatever. 

Also, just so you know, during my time studying I discovered a lot of new music such as Metric and Cee-Lo Green. It's awesome. I spent about an hour before each study session finding music to listen to. Then I spend the next hour listening to everything once. And then I'll read my notes. So now here I am, tomorrow I have a take home exam due which I finished a couple of days ago. We convinced the professor to make it a take home because the exam was to be at 8am. So, we can take it home and email it to him, right? Well, no, the exam is still due during class. But at what time? Uhh, of course, 8am... because that wouldn't make sense otherwise if we were to hand it in later. Because now turning the exam into a take home really made sense... So I still have to get up earlier, but at least it was a take home exam which is so much easier...

Now the next exam is on Tuesday. I'm ready for that one. No worries. This end of the semester is awesome. Saturday I am going to buy toys and have home made cinnamon rolls at a friend's place. Then in the evening I hope to go out dancing. Sunday will consist mostly of sleeping and probably some packing. Monday will be study day which means music and movie time. Tuesday is the exam, later that day we re going to a bar. And Wednesday is my packing and cleaning day, the day before I leave to go home!!!! Wooo!!! This is exciting.

Pictures from

1 comment:

  1. WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm excited! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

