I stopped drinking for some simple reasons. I don't have a black out drunk story, so if you were hoping for that you might as well stop reading now.
I'm saving money, calories, and brain cells. Mostly the brain cells. Those of you who know me, can you believe I've gotten more forgetful?? Can you please post some brain exercises to get a better memory? Last Thursday I couldn't remember what I did on Monday. So now just don't ever ask me to remember anything for you. It won't end well. But anyway, back to the story. I've gone out already and was completely sober, that was a new experience. It was still fun, I still met people, it wasn't awkward with m friends. So, good work to all those that have done this already. I have to remind myself each time that I'm not drinking. But it's working and I feel like detoxing is working well. I'll keep you updated...
I miss you, drinks. Margaritas.... hmmm......
Pictures from weheartit.com
Try Sudoku!