Friday, 15 April 2011

Para que? Parakeet!

I'm writing this as is expected
Mom, your challenge is accepted.
Here is my blog of sheer perfection
I'll add a rhyme to my collection.

This week passed with relative ease
the weekend, though, was a complete tease.
It was sunny all week and really warm
Now that it's Friday there's a storm.
Tomorrow it's predicted it will be cold
Weather here is so freaking uncontrolled.

What have I done all this week?
Nothing really very fun.
Tonight we went on an egg hunt
But it was more of a stunt.
There were so many people that were super aggressive
it wasn't so great and the prizes weren't very impressive.

The other day I stayed up all night
I left the library when it was already bright.
And now I don't really have more so say
So... goodbay...

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