Monday, 19 March 2012

Making a five year plan

And so the challenge has begun. I have put this off long enough and thought today would only be the most appropriate time to look at this. I've been upset that my spring break is over and I really didn't want to head back to Uni. But I guess it has to be done at some point and only then could I graduate. And so, a step closer to graduation I got worried I might not put enough thought into the next part of my life.

So far I've narrowed it down, eliminating those I feel won't bring me to the career and place I want to be in my ideal 5-years-from-now life. Although there are obvious things I wish I could change, like location and who will be there with me, right now I think the important thing to look at is finding a job. So what I've used to eliminate other universities is simply based on career prospectus and classes. The program itself should be what I can use and need. Luckily there were different things and programs I could choose from. Unfortunately there were different things and programs I could choose from.

Now it's down to three in very different parts of the UK. Hope I get to see what I choose soon, I don't know how I'll make the final decision and whether it's the right one. But it'll just have to do for now and I won't second guess my decision.

1 comment:

  1. You will do the right thing!
    Lynn said, Coventry is very famous, she would choose that. But it's the right program you have to choose. And whatever you choose it will be OK!
