Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Second chances

Picture from weheartit.com
Just kidding! It's not like there are enough people reading this blog to be picky about who is welcome here. Oh, and who knows, maybe I am talking about you... I guess you'll never know. But off to the actual point. Today I was thinking about second chances. 
What would you do if you had a second chance? Would you change everything? Get rid of bad times? Try to affect the world in general? Invest in Macintosh stocks? Vote for the same people? Watch the same shows? 
If I had a second chance I would live life with more humour, happiness, and leasure. Stress wouldn't affect me as much as it does today, although I'm obviously not stressed now because I have nothing to complain about. I would like to be able to depend on fate to bring me what I deserve but I always feel I need to control situations. So here is my start to living life with no stress and adding additional years to my life. Laugh every day, right?

(I found these on a random stumbler website, but I forgot which, so I take no credit for them.)
So, laugh, check. Now what? Well, spread it. My preferred activity is going around and when you stand next to a random person do or say something that is so completely out of context they either start laughing or have a story to tell their friends later. Randomness is the best entertainment. Learn things like these information posters above and see if people realize the information is complete bull. Or maybe you can get a theory going just like so many other people did. It's time to get creative!

Monday, 28 June 2010

Childhood fun

Today, after driving through towns I used to go to when I was a child, I reflected on all the things I used to do and see.  We used to live with my Nonna and Nonno, Italian for grandmother and grandfather, who had a house with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins in the suburbs of Zurich. There's a huge military airfield in the town so every ten minutes anything was interrupted by shaking and noise that even shouting couldn't overcome. But still, it isn't something I would want to erase. We spent most of the day either in the garden or on our bikes. It was the perfect place to spend our summers. 

Behind the house was a huge yard that belonged to a bunch of apartments so technically we weren't allowed to use the sandbox and swings. But that didn't stop us. Behind that yard was a path for walking and biking made of pebbles and sand or something. We spent hours driving around there, looking for shortcuts, driving through little paths, using the bike signs to pretend to be a car. We were always there in summer so we got to buy little crackers for the independence celebration of Switzerland on 1st August. This one particular place we loved was a little underpass under a highway. The walls were painted with beautiful spray paint art. 

We used to climb down to the river and skip stones or break fire crackers in half making a volcano out of them. We made boats out of twigs and raced them down the river, they didn't make it far but it was a test to see if we could even make a boat. We would ride across this little bridge that had more than enough Brennesselns, this thing kind of like poison ivy. We'd have to get enough velocity going to be able to drive across the bridge with our feet in the air so we wouldn't get burned by the plant. Sometimes we would venture into a little housing estate, it was like a miniature town with a well and a little pond with tadpoles. 

Later on we would all collect again and watch TV together, watching shows like Swat Cats or Biker Mice from Mars. Summers were always so wonderful. Even with some of the setbacks. Some of the bad times and some of the little annoyances or pains. Even after smashing open my leg when biking. Sometimes creepy neighbors that lived in a house that I thought was haunted were entertaining. Going to steal berries from the garden, climbing trees we should never have climbed, sneaking through gaps in bushes and fences, finding new hideouts by the river, having paths we take to get to somewhere that are named and assigned to either the way there or the return trip. I couldn't have asked for better summers. 

Pictures from weheartit.com

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Sunday Funday

In starting traditions online I propose to start a scrapbook online. Pick a random picture, post it online, try to remember where and when it was, and explain the situation. I can't wait to do this, but don't worry, no secret identities will be revealed. At least not those of my friends...

December 5th, 2009:
One night out, not long before this one, we decided to have a fake bachelorette party, just because we can. So, we dressed up nicely, got a crown for our fake bride, and went to town. But we didn't just go anywhere. We decided to go to the gay district of Madrid, they're always up for a party. Once there we went to a drag show in a club and watched this particular lady dance and sing to things such as It's raining men. Afterwards we walked around the district, looking for other cool clubs and places where cross dressers were performing. Honestly, I think seeing a show was our initial aim. At the end of the night we met some random Spaniards and shot gunned some beers on the street next to a club we didn't really intend on entering. All in all it was a very successful night. We got what we wanted, even though we were never very obvious about the whole bachelorette party thing. But, this picture has made it to the internet nonetheless. 

Lazy Sunday

Reading, the pleasure of millions. The only set back right now? I saw the movie and read both of the following novels already. But then again, who doesn't want a creative challenge? So now I'm reading the first part of Eragon by Christopher Paolini, yay!

So, why on earth did I decide to watch the movie and then read the other two books rather than read the book and then follow up with the next two? I don't know. I probably should have done it that way, but no reason to dwell in the past now, I finally bought the first part. Page 2, I already know exactly what's going to happen, but you know what they say, the book is never the same as the movie, so I'm still hoping for some exciting surprise!
The memories I have of the other books, the beach, spraying our apartment in Hong Kong for bugs, using my precious hardcover book number 2 to squish a rogue bug... good times, disgusting, but good time. 

There's so many books in my room and I had to buy a new one. I know, I know, money money money. But they're books! I can't stop myself! So now I have more than enough material to occupy myself in the next couple of days. More than enough to read, that is, if I find the patience to sit down for such a long time and actually read without breaks. That's what tends to stop me. But not this time!
Off I go to Eragon.

Saturday, 26 June 2010


With everyone tuned in on World Cup news and wondering when the heat of summer is really going to arrive, Zurich has turned into a web of tranquility. It may seem cheesy to say, but if you were here you would understand. So, with no new experiences on my part, I bear you the gift of knowledge once again. These are the sights of Zurich:

The original church of Fraumuenster was built in 853 AD in Muensterhof, next to a pig market. The church we see today was built on its current spot in the 13th century. Well recognized by its blue roof, the church's main attractions are the five stain glass window designed by Marc Chagall in 1970.

As legend goes, Felix and Regula were brother and sister that had a heated affair. King Karl der Grosse, when they were exposed, had them decapitated, kept their heads in the cellar of the church, and now sits on his throne perched on the side of the church like a pigeon to keep an eye on Zurich in order to prevent other cases of incest. BUT! As I just learned, this is all untrue, let alone not even a popular legend! I felt like my whole existence was shaken in its foundation. Apparently, they were brother and sister, yes, but they had no such thing as a heated affair! Makes sense, since the good and moral people of Switzerland wouldn't do such a thing. They were martyrs and died together at the hands of a roman general. They are also saints in Switzerland which makes more sense than the whole affair thing since they have days on which they are celebrated. I  think people don't celebrate incest anymore. 

St Peter's church:
So, first of all, St Peter's church has the largest clock face of Europe, with a span of 8.64 meters. Another interesting thing is that the body of the church and the church tower belong to different owners. The tower belongs to the city of Zurich while the body of the church belongs to the community of St Peter. In 1911 Zurich used the tower as a lookout for firemen.

The story behind this area of downtown Zurich involves the smarts of Women. As an ideal spot to look out over the then rather flat land of Zurich around them, the men at Lindenhof could easily spot intruders and defend the city. However, one year all men of the city had to go to war and only women were left behind. They thought they didn't have to worry about an invasion, however, others found this the opportune time to invade Lindenhof and take over the city. Thinking on their feet, the women banned together, put on the old armour of their husbands, fathers or brothers and stood on the edge of the Lindenhof with makeshift weapons such as rakes, old swords, etc. They scared off the intruders because suddenly there was a horde of men defending the Lindenhof again! Go women!

Pictures and info from wikipedia.com

Dear Morning...

Why can't every morning be as wonderful as you are today? Yes, I'm writing this during a time when one can debate whether it is still morning or already too close to noon, but that just shows how much I enjoyed today without the craving the internet produces. So, the post today, I dedicate to you. And with this dedication I bring as an offering further dedications! See? Isn't this a wonderful way of starting the day? And that even rhymed. Today is so wonderful!

This is dedicated to all of those fevering for their countries or their favourites in the World Cup 2010 even if they have no idea what the rules of football are or otherwise never like to watch football. It's not about knowing the game, it's about supporting your country or your favourites and fevering in the heat of the moment with your friends and fellow fans. So, no matter if you have a clue about what's going on or not, you're awesome for joining in the fun!

This is dedicated to those people in our families that make it possible for us/me to wake up on a morning like this and simply laze around in my bed, writing a blog. If I had a glass of champagne, it would be raised to you. Thank you for working and breaking your back sometimes to make things possible and never complaining about my spending habits, let alone shopping addiction. 

This is dedicated to everyone around me, close and far away, that make my life so wonderful that I wake up on a normal Saturday morning and feel like I should thank people today. If it weren't for all the life lessons I've learned through you guys, and all the simpleness I learned to appreciate, this Saturday may not have started for me yet. But here I am, awake and ready for the day.

This is dedicated to hard work. Now that we may or may not have holidays, one should never slack on hard work. I personally will put most of my effort into brushing up on languages. If you have nothing to do, don't waste a day, a week, or a month. Do something that you won't forget, read a book, start a hobby, you know, the usual. But don't waste your time doing something/nothing and have to wish later on that you had done something.

So now what? Seize the day! Do something today that will make most other days blur of insignificance!

I hope your Saturday is awesome!

Friday, 25 June 2010

Why would you do this to me?

NO! Why would you do this to me Switzerland? WHY?Good play, I guess. You beat Spain. Greatest. Achievement. Ever.

Good work getting through all those games! Spain 0:1 Switzerland, Chile 1:0 Switzerland, Honduras 0:0 Switzerland. <-- good sign for the future!!!
Picture from weheartit.com

Football fever

Slowly the World cup 2010 is creeping up on Switzerland again. Tonight, 20:30 Swiss time they play Honduras. Everything is buzzing and everyone is more nervous than the players themselves. It seems as though much more than a win is hanging in the balance right now. After a shocking win against Spain, Swiss hope has risen to an all time high. This is why - Just some of the facts:
  • In the past their achievements in the World Cup were: in 1934 reaching the quarter finals, in 1938 reaching the quarter finals again, in 1959 they made it to the first round, 1954 to the quarter finals again when they were the Cup hosts, 1962 they reached the first round, 1966 again the first round, 1994 the second round, and 2006 the second round as well.
    I think we can all tell why they are so hopeful at getting to the next round after having such success many years ago and then falling off the radar. 
  • Switzerland won against Italy in 1954 4-1. Another record win for my little country was against Romania in 1994, also 4-1.
(info from vancouversun.com)

So what was I trying to say with all of this. Well, this morning when we went outside, you could tell everyone was excited, buzzing with energy. Most sentences were ended with "Have a nice day, Hopp Schwiiz (go Switzerland)." There were groups of people drinking on the main square in my part of the town, which might be less surprising if the good citizens of Switzerland were not drinking alcohol in the middle of the day. Clearly they were getting ready for the celebration that was going to take place this afternoon. Also, about half the country is wearing the Swiss jersey, I don't think I ever saw this kind of national pride on the Swiss independence day. It's a wonderful sea of red and white that I expect in the city. I will dress appropriately too, FTW!!! 


Pictures from weheartit.com

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Switzerland, a history

I have recently discovered that although I have lived in several different places and know, to some extent, about the culture and people of the countries, I have yet to know much about the history of the different countries, let alone cities. So, here it is: my little history lesson to myself and all of you.

Many know the story of Wilhelm Tell, a national legend that probably embodied many approached to situations in the past. It is said that three Kantone, Uri, Schwyz, and Niederwalde, came together in order to oppose the Austrian oppression. It wasn't long before the Austrians moved into the central square of a town in Uri that the "Swiss" people rebelled. An Austrian bailiff, Gessler, set up a pole in the square with his hat atop it, demanding everyone that passed to bow. Wilhelm Tell, for whatever reason it may be, did not bow and Gessler had him arrested. In order to win back his freedom, Gessler gave Tell a challenge. Known for his marksmanship, however, unknown to Gessler, Tell was to shoot an apple off of his son's head with an arrow. Tell, probably thinking "seriously? that's it?" accepted the challenge.

The idea was that if Tell hit his target they would be released, however, if he missed, they would both be killed. Tell took two arrows, one to shoot and the other in the quiver. When Tell hit the apple clean off his son's head Gessler asked him what the second arrow was for. Tell told him, if the first was to kill his son he would take the second and kill Gessler. For this comment Tell was arrested and sent to lifelong imprisonment in the dungeon of Gessler's castle. When crossing a lake a storm loomed over them and Tell, the only person familiar with the lake, suggested trading his freedom for their safe return to land. Gessler accepted the offer and Tell was freed, however, the second arrow was still itching in the back of his mind. So, Tell crept to the castle path and waited for Gessler to arrive. When finally the oppressor showed up Tell leaped out, shot Gessler in the heart, and disappeared in the woods to return to Uri. His bravery is what forever freed Switzerland of the oppression of the Austrians. Oh and also, don't anger Swiss people, they'll hunt you down.

But that is a legend. So what really happened in Switzerland?

With plenty of prehistory, it's the year 1273 when it gets interesting. In fact, the Habsburg ruler Rudolph I did send bailiffs to collect more taxes and tighten administration and the Swiss did quickly grow strong feelings against the Habsburgian oppression. In 1291 Rudolph I died and the three Kantone Uri, Schwyz, and Niederwalde came together to sign an alliance vowing never again to fall under the rule of an external judge or ruler. The independence of Switzerland was won on August 1st. This founding act, given the latin name of Confoederatio Helvetica is still found today as the abbreviation for Switzerland CH, websites of Switzerland .ch, and licence plates, as well as many other places.
In 1315 the Austrian Duke Leopold wanted to crush the Swiss oppression, however, the Swiss delivered and EPIC defeat. Over the next 200 years they Switzerland survived with amazing military defeats, land grabs, and additions of more Kantone to their federation: Lucerne 1332, Zurich 1351, Glarus and Zug 1352, Bern 1353, Fribourg and Solothurn 1481, Basel and Schaffhausen 1501, and Appenzell 1513. Finally in 1499 the Swiss Confederation gained complete independence from the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I after another victory.

I hope this little introduction to Switzerland was interesting. I think, as long as I have nothing else to write about, I'll write about random things like this in more posts. It may come to be useful, for example, if someone you meet is called Wilhelm or Tell. Or Switzerland.

Pictures from weheartit.com

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The depths of my room

Unpacking my bags, I realized that I needed to first go through all the things in my room in order to make space! I don't really have any shelf space so most of my stuff goes directly in the closet and the little space in a corner closet. Papers, pictures, flyers, folders, note books, novels, and plenty of knickknacks. Not surprisingly this task of unpacking wasn't as easy as expected. Not only did I have plenty of bags to unpack, I don't think I ever packed this densely before. Each bag had twice the normal amount in it.

Picture from weheartit.com
So, after cleaning the entire apartment and going necessity shopping I started going through all the things in my room. One pile after the other I was thrown back into past episodes of my life. Each with valuable items that I alone could possibly find valuable, and even that may be debatable. But now I had to make decisions, what to keep... what to keep...
A pile of birthday notes and cards from my 18th birthday. A pile of letters from various universities sending me information. A pile of pictures from previous travels.

Too bad these piles can't be displayed in all their glory, our rooms would have to be five times their normal sizes at least. Looking through my stuff I also realize that I created a rather large pile of stuff to recycle. What I previously thought was of sentimental value has now long lost its meaning. But something that has become more than obvious to me is that not everything can lose its meaning over time. There are always things that will mean everything to me and people that are connected forever to those things. With visits from friends, emails, chats, and online stalking, such friends can never really be lost. There is always that time, long after the shared experience, when one gets back together and realizes: nothing about this friendship has changed.
So now that another chapter has closed it too will be placed in a neat pile in my closet.

Monday, 21 June 2010

The life of a seatbelt

With the flight behind me I can't help but reflect on what an unusual flight it was.
First of all, it was a fine flight, nothing wrong with it, they even announced every goal Spain made in the World Cup in South Africa. However, there was a young Spanish and Swiss couple sitting next to me. I thought, that's nice, travelling together, she was obsessed with the football match that we were missing yet he was trying hard to ask stewards and stewardesses if they knew the score. But at one point, as they were waiting, she unbuckled her seatbelt and told her boyfriend:

"Seatbelts are so useless! If the plane crashes you'll be so panicked and won't be
able to unbuckle! I'm not going to use these anymore and when the
plane crashes everyone will be strapped on to the burning plane,
and I can just walk out unharmed."

Wait, what? Is the idea of a Seatbelt something foreign to her? I really hope that she never gets in the situation of having to choose to use a seatbelt or not as I think she might do the wrong thing... I guess it is better to be pelted across the cabin uncontrollably, as long as you are free of unbuckling when panicking.
Apart from the cool staff and other interesting comments from the girl next to me, when I got to the baggage claim my bag's wheels were about a foot next to where they used to be.

But it's OK, the duck tape I put on earlier was still wrapped on the part that would have snapped off otherwise, so I just unpeeled it a little and adjusted. Now, after going up and down four flights of stairs with my things, I'm happily lying in my huge bed with my big blue blanket.
I love vacations.
Pictures from weheartit.com

Sunday, 20 June 2010

The wonder that is Madrid

Tonight was an amazing night. Not only did I get to spend it with great people, we had a great dinner at a super fancy and good restaurant and then proceeded to Templo de Debod.

On our way there, to our surprise, we heard some opera music. It sounded live so we were intrigued. After some deliberation as to where it was coming from we found out it was coming from the Templo! Quickly we walked there and BAM! The entire temple was lit up beautifully with red light and there were people performing Aida under it. We were amazed that tonight we just happened to stumble upon the performance of Aida at the temple! What are the chances? Well, we only heard the end of the opera, but it was still more than amazing and fantastic.
After the people filed out of the area of the temple, we moved on to sit on the grass by the playground. After a discussion about how we wished we were still children so we could play on the playground without looking like freaks or a threat of breaking the stuff meant for under 12 year olds, Mac n' Cheese and I went to the playground and played. It was the most satisfying thing I have done in a long time. New favourite toy? It looks like a toilet plunger and just spins uncontrollably.

This picture from weheartit.com basically sums up the entire experience.

Last days

The last couple of days have been so amazing. What a great end to a great two years in Spain. I got to know amazing places, tried great food, saw the most random things, and, most importantly, met the most amazing friends I could have ever asked for. Now the last couple of days have come and its time to say goodbye.
I'm not going to start talking about some intensely deep "it's only a see you later", I know perfectly well that I am going to see my friends again. It just pains me to think that after this summer I won't be going back to Spain. Even if I were, so many people are spreading out throughout the world and getting to know new places for their studies. It's an exciting and big year for all of us.

All packed up, all ready to go, my bag is standing by the door until tomorrow. But at least we're making the best of this. This past weekend I've spent so much time with Mac n' Cheese, Bear, and their Gremlin, I really appreciated them sacrificing their time to hang out with me. We went to an awesome church a man was building from a church from scratch, made of old materials from houses and other rubble. I wonder how sound that place is. If it's going to collapse as soon as a group of people attend the opening.

The greatest part of the past weekend was that we all got together, along with Rascal, to have another girls night. We had drinks, movies, and food to make the night perfect. It was so much fun and although we played board games and watched shows, most of the time we talked and bonded. The last stretch before going our separate ways.
Not too long from now we'll all have to get back together and do this again!

(Pictures from weheartit.com) <- thanks Mac n' Cheese for the idea!