Saturday, 26 June 2010


With everyone tuned in on World Cup news and wondering when the heat of summer is really going to arrive, Zurich has turned into a web of tranquility. It may seem cheesy to say, but if you were here you would understand. So, with no new experiences on my part, I bear you the gift of knowledge once again. These are the sights of Zurich:

The original church of Fraumuenster was built in 853 AD in Muensterhof, next to a pig market. The church we see today was built on its current spot in the 13th century. Well recognized by its blue roof, the church's main attractions are the five stain glass window designed by Marc Chagall in 1970.

As legend goes, Felix and Regula were brother and sister that had a heated affair. King Karl der Grosse, when they were exposed, had them decapitated, kept their heads in the cellar of the church, and now sits on his throne perched on the side of the church like a pigeon to keep an eye on Zurich in order to prevent other cases of incest. BUT! As I just learned, this is all untrue, let alone not even a popular legend! I felt like my whole existence was shaken in its foundation. Apparently, they were brother and sister, yes, but they had no such thing as a heated affair! Makes sense, since the good and moral people of Switzerland wouldn't do such a thing. They were martyrs and died together at the hands of a roman general. They are also saints in Switzerland which makes more sense than the whole affair thing since they have days on which they are celebrated. I  think people don't celebrate incest anymore. 

St Peter's church:
So, first of all, St Peter's church has the largest clock face of Europe, with a span of 8.64 meters. Another interesting thing is that the body of the church and the church tower belong to different owners. The tower belongs to the city of Zurich while the body of the church belongs to the community of St Peter. In 1911 Zurich used the tower as a lookout for firemen.

The story behind this area of downtown Zurich involves the smarts of Women. As an ideal spot to look out over the then rather flat land of Zurich around them, the men at Lindenhof could easily spot intruders and defend the city. However, one year all men of the city had to go to war and only women were left behind. They thought they didn't have to worry about an invasion, however, others found this the opportune time to invade Lindenhof and take over the city. Thinking on their feet, the women banned together, put on the old armour of their husbands, fathers or brothers and stood on the edge of the Lindenhof with makeshift weapons such as rakes, old swords, etc. They scared off the intruders because suddenly there was a horde of men defending the Lindenhof again! Go women!

Pictures and info from

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