Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The depths of my room

Unpacking my bags, I realized that I needed to first go through all the things in my room in order to make space! I don't really have any shelf space so most of my stuff goes directly in the closet and the little space in a corner closet. Papers, pictures, flyers, folders, note books, novels, and plenty of knickknacks. Not surprisingly this task of unpacking wasn't as easy as expected. Not only did I have plenty of bags to unpack, I don't think I ever packed this densely before. Each bag had twice the normal amount in it.

Picture from weheartit.com
So, after cleaning the entire apartment and going necessity shopping I started going through all the things in my room. One pile after the other I was thrown back into past episodes of my life. Each with valuable items that I alone could possibly find valuable, and even that may be debatable. But now I had to make decisions, what to keep... what to keep...
A pile of birthday notes and cards from my 18th birthday. A pile of letters from various universities sending me information. A pile of pictures from previous travels.

Too bad these piles can't be displayed in all their glory, our rooms would have to be five times their normal sizes at least. Looking through my stuff I also realize that I created a rather large pile of stuff to recycle. What I previously thought was of sentimental value has now long lost its meaning. But something that has become more than obvious to me is that not everything can lose its meaning over time. There are always things that will mean everything to me and people that are connected forever to those things. With visits from friends, emails, chats, and online stalking, such friends can never really be lost. There is always that time, long after the shared experience, when one gets back together and realizes: nothing about this friendship has changed.
So now that another chapter has closed it too will be placed in a neat pile in my closet.

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