Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Second chances

Picture from weheartit.com
Just kidding! It's not like there are enough people reading this blog to be picky about who is welcome here. Oh, and who knows, maybe I am talking about you... I guess you'll never know. But off to the actual point. Today I was thinking about second chances. 
What would you do if you had a second chance? Would you change everything? Get rid of bad times? Try to affect the world in general? Invest in Macintosh stocks? Vote for the same people? Watch the same shows? 
If I had a second chance I would live life with more humour, happiness, and leasure. Stress wouldn't affect me as much as it does today, although I'm obviously not stressed now because I have nothing to complain about. I would like to be able to depend on fate to bring me what I deserve but I always feel I need to control situations. So here is my start to living life with no stress and adding additional years to my life. Laugh every day, right?

(I found these on a random stumbler website, but I forgot which, so I take no credit for them.)
So, laugh, check. Now what? Well, spread it. My preferred activity is going around and when you stand next to a random person do or say something that is so completely out of context they either start laughing or have a story to tell their friends later. Randomness is the best entertainment. Learn things like these information posters above and see if people realize the information is complete bull. Or maybe you can get a theory going just like so many other people did. It's time to get creative!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha. I love the dinosaurs one. You have such great posts!
