Step by step everything is coming in order and things are falling into place. My things are packed, my papers in order, my room cleaned and tidy, the city was bed farewell. Next, the flight back home to Hong Kong. Chapter Spain is over, Chapter Switzerland long gone, now Hong Kong continues and Chapter Missouri starts.
But honestly, the flights are the worst part of going somewhere new, or just on vacation, anything really. I hate flying, hate flying. Whenever I get on a plane I feel like every muscle in my body and every bone is messing around and aching. Then, about 3 hours into the flight I get exhausted. Then, after ages of not being able to get comfortable I finally manage to fall asleep. Maybe, maybe, I sleep for about 1 hour and then awake thinking I managed to sleep though till about three hours before the end of the flight. Boy, was I mistaken. It's really only half way through the flight, 6 hours or more to go. Now I get cranky and impatient.
I try watching movies, you know, thats the service we pay for, what we expect, and what most of us really do on such flights. But for the past year I could not get on a single flight that had a little TV in front of my seat that actually worked! What? you might say in complete and utter outrage. That's what I always said. They tried restarting it and I asked to be reseated. 1) they don't seem to care. 2) the flight is so bloody full I can't even spot a seat that is close to empty 20 minutes after boarding has started. There's no hope. Finally the time shows it's three hours before landing. I start waking up more in hope of some entertainment. My eyes are burning, I'm exhausted. The usual. I didn't read, I didn't watch a movie, all I did was pretend to dose in the possibly most uncomfortably angled seat in the entire universe. 2 hours before landing, the light are back on. Thank you! People are moving, thing's are heading towards their landing positions. Just another hour and we're finally there! At this point I don't care anymore where I'm going, as long as I'm finally there. After 13 hours the plane finally lands, I can't wait to get up. We step out of the crowded plane after some people unbuckling too early and shoving their way past those patiently waiting in line.
Probably the most exciting feeling ever sweeps over me as I step to the baggage carousel knowing that I don't have to sit in another bloody plane for at least a week, hopefully. The torture is over!! Wow, I just made myself unhappy about having to fly tomorrow even though I'm excited about the destination. Whoop for Hong Kong! OK, I'm excited again, at least I'm not travelling alone for a while. That's always more entertaining.
So, anyway, this blog is meant to say goodbye to Europe. So far there's no plan to come back in a long time. For me it's two years, most likely, before I come back here. Sad, but there's not a big choice nowadays with the prices of flights rising and so many planes being stuffed to the rim with people without even considering another bunch of flights a week in order to make flying more possible. So, one more day and this holiday is over, one more day and Kiwi has the movers in her house. Just one day but so much to do.