Thursday, 15 July 2010

This is Rome!

I just realized I had so much to write while I wasn't even near anything with internet I could use but once I returned I forgot to actually write it. So, this post is all about Rome and the things I saw there. It was an amazing trip, 5 days in Rome. We stayed with family in a place called Merlupo outside of the city of Rome but only about 40 minutes away by car. Anyway, here are some things I saw:

The barfing lion:

This building is completely made of white marble and only the horse carriage with the riders with wings are black so they are very easy to spot in the sky of Rome:

The details of a puerta in the Forum Romanum:

Forum Romanum, where there were TONS of old stones, the place the ancient romans would spend most of their time. Basically the centre of the town at that time:

The Colosseum, enough said:

The famous statue in the Domo di San Pietro of La Pieta:

The Swiss guard in the Vatican, love the look:

St. Peter's dome from along the columned street:

Plenty of old pieces of awesomeness in the Forum Romanum:

Calcata, a really cute little broken apart town that housed artsy people on top of a hill that was crumbling away beneath them:

When working in Rome this will most likely be my home for a while, but hey, it had tiles:

Part of an old temple in the Forum Romanum:

In the Forum Romanum:

The Spanish steps during sunset:

These are just some of the things we saw, there were plenty more and dozens of things we never even got to see. If you want to go to Italy I would highly suggest Rome. It's an amazing city with so much to offer. Around every corner there is something you can look at and wonder as to how long it has been there already. All the things that were around so many hundreds of years ago. Amazing.

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