Thursday, 1 July 2010

Inching on

I'm preparing for the inevitable. 
Slowly the evening is creeping up on me. Hard to believe, but it will all start eventually. Living in a constant limbo takes more energy than facing it all as soon as possible. Yet still the day is inching on and nothing is making it faster. The more I dwell on what is to come, the more it frustrates my patience and I am trialled for what my future may hold. But some days we must all face that which brings the greatest amount of unhappiness to us. 
That which brings it to me arrives at 18:00. I want to say sharp, but that would be extremely incorrect as it may start much earlier.
My grandparents are coming to visit.

I'm harsh? No, I'm patient but slowly my patience is running out. After just one day with them I feel drained of anything that could have possibly turned this day around. Everything that was going on was more stressful than exams, more annoying than noisy neighbors, more painful than having a rusty nail push its way through your hand slowly. Thank goodness, or the quick wits of my partner in crime, we made excuses to finally escape the clutches of two bitter old people that find no greater joy than the yearly verbal abuse of their extranjero grandchildren. 
Childhood memory picture from

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