Tuesday, 13 July 2010

My future in Rome

Dear Blog,
I have neglected you and for that I am not even slightly sorry. For the past week now I have been in constant movement, constantly busy. Other than the World Cup 2010 final, everything was exciting, new, and fun. So why have I not been online? I conquered internet addiction! No, I never had that before, that's for sure. So it really wasn't hard. 
What have I been doing you may ask. I've been in Rome!

After 5 days of walking for hours at a time in the blistering sun, getting strange tans from different shirts and shoes, seeing so many awesome ruins that I lost count, eating great Italian food, spending time with family I haven't seen in years, and learning some Italian in the meantime, we got back to Switzerland and I was exhausted. But the exhaustion I felt was wonderful because every moment in Italy was filled with something. The Colosseo was awesome, I want to move in there. Maybe if I win the lottery I can buy the place and ruin it so I can say I live in it. 
I have been thinking long and hard about where I see myself in the future. So far I have a couple of plans. One of them is to live in Rome, in the centre with a view of the Colosseo. I think once in Rome I will make a living from selling fake DVDs on the streets. Or maybe I'll play the flute as a performer.

Picture from weheartit.com