Over the last couple of days the big issue screened on TV and on the internet is that of bullying in school, especially that which leads to suicide. I'm currently watching a show about various cases on this and it's really intense what people do to bully other kids. If you got bullied, picked on, hit, whatever it was. I think this would really be interested in this show because it has all risen to the next level now. The bullying to is happening today is on a felony charge level. One boy got his bike stolen by people who had been bullying him at school and when he saw them after school once they lit him on fire. They put something on him and lit him aflame.
The subject hits a personal note with me too. Bullying has become such a big issue that children have turned to killing themselves rather than living through the torture they are experiencing. "Kick a ginger day" took over one middle school to the point of police intervention with three misdemeanor charges. In one high school a kid was bullied to the brink and killed himself because of a learning disability. With no one to intervene the bullying won't stop. School officials don't seem to do much either, what is limiting their ability to intervene?
With all this bullying going on, one would think once you escape from high school you can live a good life and move on to whatever you find to be good next. Well, college doesn't eliminate the issue of bullying. Nationwide there are about 10,000 cases of violence on campus in the States. We all know the Columbine and Virginia Tech incidents. This week, here at uni, is the week against violence so I am doing my duty and hoping that one person at a time can learn to take action or teach other to take action.
Pictures from weheartit.com
Would that be a field for you to work in?