Friday, 29 October 2010

Post frenzy!

So, while I'm posting all of the events of the late I feel it might be appropriate to just catch you all in on everything I planned to write about. Good luck getting bored of all this reading of today...

Last week we went to a corn maze, a haunted corn maze. And in addition to that it was in Eureka. We were expecting darkness, high corn fields, about an hour long walk inside the corn maze, because, i mean, it did cost us 13 dollars... So we get there, a group of nine, and all excited about this maze! When standing in line we see, there's no music playing, the corn is barely higher than our shoulders if at all, and so far there's no decoration. Safe to say, we were disappointed. 

But we didn't want to judge before we enter. So we go in, walk around, see the first couple of spooks. and then silence. All in all I think about 5 people worked there and just kept popping up out of the corn at random corners. But it was less of a popping up then walking out, because the corn was trampled and stuff so we could see them. And also, it wasn't a maze, it was just a path to follow. Some of the parts were kind of scary, like there was a trailer there that was creepy with a guy running out at us, but that's about the only prop that was legit scary. It was still fun though, we started hiding and scaring the second part of our group. And so, the lesson learned from this is, just make your own haunted corn maze, go to a field and run around, it's gonna be scarier than the one you pay for, especially once the owner comes running after you with a shot gun.

Yesterday we went pumpkin carving. That was another experience... We had flimsy little carving tools that snapped off in perfect unison as soon as you got your hopes up that you might be able to cut through the tough hide of the pumpkin. Little did we know that we were no where close to getting the top off. Things such as this were said: "My hole is too small" "I can't get my fingers in there" "Ew what is this slimy stuff" which all had one answer "That's what she said". 

Picture from

Dear College, you never fail to entertain. But when I was fed up and knew nothing more to do I decided to go to the library and get plastic knives, I'm not surprised we weren't allowed to use them, I almost cut off my fingers several times. but it worked and I carved a Robot Pumpkin. It is sitting outside my front door right now. Wondrous Halloween! Next we went to a guest speaker talk and brought the pumpkins under our chairs, that got us some funny looks. And then we went to a hosted dance party in one of the school halls and had muffins. Best night ever. The day was ended with Chinese food and Harry Potter. 

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