Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Today has been an interesting day, and a pretty big failure. Lets start at the first event. I passed a dead squirrel, and by dead squirrel I mean it fell of a tree and died right there, for no apparent reason. I passed it and thought some deep thought about immortality and the circle of life. But then I realized, up until then I just always assumed animals disappear when they die. Poof, dead and gone. It's a harsh reality out there, harsh life...

But then comes the even better part of my day so far. Oh mind you, it's only like 6pm, so this can get a whole lot worse still... We'll see. 
But anyway, I made lunch, leftovers from a meeting yesterday where we cooked. I made it nicely, had a veg, a meat, and pasta salad. I even got a glass of water and brought it up to my room. Not having a real table really changes things, so I set the plate down on the edge of the little table i have, in front of my computer and next to my bed. As I turn on my computer I think, "I hope I don't spill this all over the freaking floor..." Then, my computer slips and what happens? My plate spills on the bed and on the floor. All i could catch was the chicken. Great, my entire lunch lost. Good thing I had dinner planned... except, I don't. Orange juice for dinner it is...

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