Well apparently it's be rude.
It was just last night that there was shouting coming from outside. Living next to a bar often visited by underage people that think themselves pretty clever for "tricking the system" we didn't think much of this shouting. But it was no longer funny drunk shouting. It now turned into aggressive shouting. Intrigued, and somewhat worried, we finally got up and had a look. Just in time, I think, right outside a guy got hit to the ground.
And so it begins. Two guys beating on one. Unfair, you would think. Yes, that's what we thought at first too but it didn't take long before we started to believe that the little guy on the ground was at fault. He wasn't little, just a matter of phrase. Anyway, One guy was punching him, mostly missing his face and head and hitting the guys shoulders and arms. But the second guy did nothing to intervene. When the guy on the floor started shutting up the two guys walked off. Before we could pry open our windows that now weighed close to a ton each, the guys had already said something again and the fight continued. The boy on the floor, feeling he had the upper hand, commented on what seemed to be a touchy topic already. So the beating continued. This time the little one managed to get up and, bam! Two punches from the double team, right in the kisser.
So what next. We called the campus security, that's what. And you know why? Well, the two guys walked away again and the guy on the floor was still antagonizing! Are you kidding me? After all that? He didn't even get one hit in... Anyway, we're calling security because the guy just reached in his pocket and pulled out something dark. Considering where I'm living we naturally jumped to conclusions about what that item may be. There's three levels of object danger.
1: gun, daaaaamn.
2. knife: not appreciated.
3. blunt weapon: I guess it could be worse?
Well, 3 it was. The guy pulled out a bottle. And those things can cause serious damage. I know... I watch a lot of CSI.
He walked to the guys walking away with his bottle firmly in his hand. Was this going to get bloodier?? Luckily a girl came rushing over, she seemed to know them all because she was pretty flustered about the events. Shocking though? She didn't once try to break the whole thing off. But as soon as the girl was around the guy turned around and walked off. "Dude, you ok?" we asked out the window. No reaction. Fine then... don't care...
Security arrived about 3 minutes later... quick reaction, guys.Pictures from weheartit.com
You're in Americaaaaaa.. *sing*