Sunday, 14 November 2010

Life is a Cabaret

Last night the university theatre presented the show Cabaret. It was well choreographed, with good song choice, good casting, however, throughout the show there was just one thing stuck in my head: Do they not feel awkward being this naked and sexual with kids, other students, and professors out there watching? 

I guess and actor does what they must. But still, I wouldn't dare dance like they did with people watching. Their costumes were lingerie and silky stuff with a lot of cleavage on both ends. What made it most shocking to me was just one thing I heard while ushering for the show. If it hadn't been for this one person the show itself would have been more enjoyable to me. The lady outside, with three kids around the age of 13, was telling us that her daughter was in the show. "Oh, that's wonderful!" we commented before her story continued. "The funny thing is, both my daughters have the same part! She patted the little one, around 14, on the head. That was the daughter that had the same part??? 

Does she know they are all dressed in lingerie and are telling stories of their sexcapades. They are working at a night club as prostitutes. Is that really appropriate for a Jesuit university to show, let alone a high school?
The show was good, but I couldn't get that thought off my mind anymore. It was seriously disturbing, thinking as the show goes on that that 14 year old girl was playing a prostitute on stage like her sister was. OK, so they might not have dressed them as scandilously or danced in the way our students did, but it's still a show about sex and stuff. Second half of the show, well, last 30 minutes, I realized the show was actually about Nazis and Jews in Berlin. Oh, I see... it teaches about acceptance and stuff. But I couldn't get the 14 year old's show out of my head!

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