Monday, 15 November 2010

It's that time again...

You know that feeling when you are really confused about something in your life but you don't know how to put it in words? The feeling you wish to tell your friends about to get some advice but you just don't know how to say it all? The feeling that there is something you can't wrap your head around something really significant but you don't know what the thing is you want to have explained? I'm confused, essentially. I've been here before, I know. I've semi figured it out before, I know. But it just doesn't make sense to me to go with the second idea if it's not really what I want. Can I not do what I want to do? Is it really so impossible?

So I'm making lists, checking websites, seeing what I can find. Why is it so hard! Can't people writing these websites realize I'm freaking out about what I want to do and how I can get there and make me a step by step list as to how to reach that job? Come on! That would be so awesome of you. So if you do that as a profession, make a website for me and send me the link. I'll come hug you, I promise. 

In fear of reusing images from older posts, this is a colourful version of my brain... 
I was talking to a guy who is a doctor a couple of days ago and when I told him I was studying Criminal Justice and wanted to be an investigator but couldn't he asked what I decided to do instead then. Counseling, I said and he raised his eyebrows. He told me, and I'm only slightly paraphrasing, Counseling is a very boring and frustrating job, especially when it comes to inmates and juveniles. They won't listen to you or they will listen but not take your advice. So, if you want to do forensics, do forensics. But, dear doctor, it's not that easy it seems...

Pictures by


  1. Did you check out Switzerland, England, Germany, Italy, Spain, HK, etc? Every country has different rules.

  2. dude. i used the same photo in my blog and i hadn't even seen yours. twins.

  3. haha! nice!
    I didn't check out any other countries other than the US and HK so far, but i cant do it in italy or spain because i'm not fluent enough. and i dont see myself in germany.. i'll check CH, and i dont know about england. Sis is looking into aussi for me.
