I always try to pay a lot of attention to how I phrase things and know sometimes it may come out wrong and I try to correct it. But there are those people who even after a telling look from another fail to recognize their mistake or inappropriateness and continue on without change. I try to also make sure not to tell jokes that might hurt the feelings of those around, but others think sexist jokes or racist jokes or jokes against someone's culture are OK even if I only just met them. Way to make a situation awkward.
There's just... just so much to complain about!
I guess this is more of a post complaining about others so I'm going to go on about that because some people even after being told what they do is not OK still do it, aware even.
Case 1: Person X keeps interrupting stories or comments to either say a smart-ass comment or fact that should make them seem smart but makes them seem rude. Also, keeps interrupting to one-up the story. One-upping someone is a term used when someone always comments by trying to tell a more daring or dramatic story or making themselves the centre of conversation once more.
Case 2: Person Y comments about their internationality and explains how she even cannot believe, along with other people, how trendy she is and how many countries she's seen. Impressed by your own travels and trips is not an impressive trait and makes you rather more annoying and self-involved than interesting yet this person continues to believe they are the most fascinating person to ever roam this planet.
Case 3: Person Z believes that interrupting others to make a point and then rudely shushing them is acceptable even when they are the one who should be shushed. Going on to tell a story full of information that is false is another trait of theirs as they tell stories that can be verified by others, for instance me, but then changes details in her favour and it would be absolutely rude to correct them. Yet still is oblivious to the arrogance and lies they tell.
Some people are so oblivious and unaware of their actions that are transparent and make them look incredibly stupid.
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