Sunday, 10 February 2013

Fun days and fun nights

Thursday night, 3am, a loud noise shocks me awake. It was the fire alarm. Thinking it might be a test, like it is every Friday between 8 and 10, I waited and counted to ten. It should turn off before ten seconds are over if it is just a test. But it wasn't. I climb out of bed and stand in my room wondering what exactly I should put on to stand outside. Whenever the fire alarm goes off, unless it's a test, we need to go outside until security allows us to return. I walked outside into the cold and waited the thirty minutes before security allowed us to go back in.

Friday night, 3:30am, a loud noise shocks me awake. It was the fire alarm. Thinking it might be the test that takes place on Fridays I waited and counted once more. But it wasn't. This time I looked at my phone and checked the time. Fantastic, I had to go outside again. Shortly after 4 we were allowed to go back in. I was freezing and had trouble falling asleep again. 
But finally, around 4:30 I was able to sleep only to be awoken again at 4:45 by a quick test of the fire alarm for some reason. Great. 

Friday morning, 8:30am, the fire alarm test. It woke me and I was annoyed... But I guess this was what we were expecting. 

I had class at 10 and upon returning I thought I deserved to take a nap. At 3 in the afternoon I took a nap and slept really well. At 3:30 I was awoken by a loud noise..... You get the picture...... 

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