Sunday, 18 December 2011

go to
type in "let it snow". press enter
watch and be amazed!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

The finals be upon you

Finals week, it's like that young kid you know will grow up to be a douchebag. It seems fine the week before, seems bearable and organized the week of, but the night before the exam? Nope, that's then all hell breaks lose. My night before the exam went something like this:
  • eat cookies
  • watch a movie
  • watch shows I previously never cared about
  • check email about 30 times
  • Stumbleupon
  • great chatting
  • 30 minute nap
  • think about food and whether I should go down the stairs to get some, because I'll have to come back up the stairs and that suuuucks
  • staring at the wall
  • studying
But there is some good in all of this chaos and great academic achievement. I have a free meal tomorrow, lunch. And also free dinner on Saturday with an open bar. So I can be hungover on Sunday when I study for my next exam. Great times...

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Cookie time!

Just made Orange Roesli.
Not only did I not have enough butter and added more orange juice instead, I burned the chocolate and had to make another batch or melted chocolate. And something is probably let over in the oven from another time so it smoked like crazy. I also am in the process of making Spitzbuebe, but without the hole in the top one. And with homemade Brummbeeri jam.
Aside from the baking, I have eaten more molten chocolate in the past day than I did in the past year. Way to go...

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The time of my life

There are many things that go on around us and we don't even realize it. Sometimes an entire day goes by without us seeing it happen. Many of us are not even fully aware that everything is flying by and what we know right now has changed by the time you finish reading this post. Sometimes I know time is flying right by me, hours pass and I don't mind. The modern world is so multifaceted that we don't even realize that in our time we miss so much of life.
But that's ok, I can live with that. What is probably more important than knowing what you've missed in life is realizing what you have not missed. I know that in my lifetime I didn't miss my family making the biggest decisions in their lives. I didn't miss the move to the country we now call home. I didn't miss all the holidays we have spent together that have brought us so close and let us grow into strong and well cultured people. I did not miss all the ups and downs that come with these lives and how we all came together to work our way through them. I did not miss all the festivities and the traditions we have created. I didn't miss family meetings where we were all involved in making decisions and plans. I didn't miss turning to my friends and family for advice and shaping my world so that I can make them and myself happy at the same time. I didn't miss returning home and knowing that while I was jittery and excited, so were my parents. I didn't miss the phone calls and chats with my siblings that, even when we're not talking at all, tell me so much. I didn't miss that I know I can always turn to those I love for support no matter what I did. I didn't miss making some of the best friends I will ever have and forming a personality that I am proud to call my own.
And even if the world is flying by while I dwindle at the sidelines, I know that really, I didn't miss anything.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

A rather typical weekend

A pretty typical weekend for this time of the year has turned out to be rather wonderful. Yesterday was Friday and I went to a bar around 7 to watch a football game. We stayed until 11 and then headed home with a friend to do what? Watch Aladdin and give massages. Yes, a wonderful Friday it was.

Saturday started well as well, I slept in until 12. Then we headed to the farmers market and to lunch at a cool restaurant where they had awesome fried chicken. Home, and ready to go to the basketball game dressed all in school colours. It was fun, but at half time we decided to go back home and around 9ish we started watching Pocahontas. Followed by Meet the Robinsons, and now, Hot Fuzz. I've been working on grad school applications, which hasn't been as relaxing and fun as the rest of the semester. But I think it's going to be OK now.

Tomorrow I'm going to spend most of the day sleeping and printing out applications. Hopefully I can finally wrap my head around some of these things. It's so annoying! But it's going to be OK, I hope...

It's taken up at least 4 hours tonight and that's just figuring out the different references for which application and whether applications are online or not.... ARGH

Monday, 21 November 2011

Giving of Thanks

I can smell free air around me,
I know that Thanksgiving has found me,
With Turkey in future and past,
The week is moving so fast,
I'm glad I have nothing to work at.

There was joy and trouble this weekend,
Some things my psychiatrist just can't mend,
Annoyances left,
My faking skills are deft,
In my room now watching movies I sat.

But hours have past since last class,
Soon in the air will be my ass,
Off to explore a cool city,
Thanksgiving will be pretty,
This week I'm going to get fat.

Sunday, 20 November 2011


Turkeypalooza at Campus Kitchen, a time when volunteers come in and work with us to create holiday meals for Thanksgiving for over 400 people and families. What do we do? Make turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, greenbean casserole, sweet potatoes, pies, muffins, and lots of other stuff. Where does it go? To those that would otherwise not be able to afford such a wonderful meal and would not be able to celebrate the traditional holiday with those they love.
So, what are we doing after we cook all this?  We deliver it to families, and the leftover foods get filled into shopping bags to come Thursday, when it's actually Thanksgiving, people can recreate the meal they ate on Monday and Tuesday.

My Saturday looked something like this: Wake up at 6am to prepare our turkey for the party we are hosting the night to come. It was all a success, so good. Then at 8:30 I headed to Campus Kitchen to start my shift at 9am. Until 13:00 I cooked with volunteers and helped organize and figure things out so it would be more fluent this year. Last year apparently it was somewhat hectic and some things didn't get finished in time, but not this time around, this time it was all a success. Around 12 I started chopping apart raw turkeys to cook them faster. I'm glad I was taught by my mom how to take apart a bird like that, success. Yes, I was chopping up a poor little bird, and I thought it was fun. Mostly because I knew how to do it and almost no one else knew or wanted to do it. POINTS.

It was a wonderful morning and my refuge at the kitchen is always fun and relaxing, getting my mind off other annoyances or stress as there is not enough time to think of so many things at once.
Working on Campus Kitchen makes me realize I kind of wish we didn't need to make money so I could do this as a job without having to worry about pay to survive. Otherwise, I could just... you know... work for minimal wage and love my job anyway... future? I think so.

Friday, 18 November 2011

This is a post of great news. I think I discovered the key to losing weight. "Ha" you may think. But seriously. I've been losing weight for a while now and I think I just realized what the components were.
  1. Lots of sleep. Lots. By lots I mean like, before midnight bed time sometimes, and getting up around 8ish or 9ish. Another excuse for me to sleep more, do less work. It's win win.
  2. Sit ups. I do sit ups a lot because I am fully convinced exercising the stomach will make the food go away. Don't burst my bubble...
  3. Actively eating. Meaning, I only eat three meals a day, small meals. And even if I'm hungry after that I won't eat. Small meals include a sandwich for breakfast, a larger meal for dinner, and little left overs for dinner. By doing this I think I have an excuse to eat unhealthy once a day. Which, you know, I don't really do anyway...
  4. Eat a snack a day. Any kind of snack, rotate between fruit, vegetable, and chips or sweets.Yay for chocolate.
  5. Weigh yourself every four days. Sad, but true........

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Ignite the fire

Everyday, in the morning, in addition to many other times throughout the day, I cross five lanes of road. Sometimes I run, sometimes I walk, sometimes I need to take a little break in the middle because cars are coming. But that's not the issue right now. So, as I had no issues to write about yesterday, today is when I realized I just don't get some people.

First off, you can turn on your car when you're not even there yet. I mean, you can ignite the engine without the key, just by remote, from meters or more away! I don't get that. I mean, why would you need to start the car when you're not there yet. That's just ridiculous. I don't get why people have to have their cars on all the time. It's part of the experience, sweating like crazy, or freezing your a** off when you just get in your car. It's part of the experience!!!
Second, I don't get how every morning when I walk to school, not destroying the environment, not owning a car that would do it, not doing any of that crap, but then there are a couple of people, about 5-10 each day, that sit on the stretch of road I walk along and have their cars on, are on the phone, just hanging out and waiting, putting on makeup, reading, or listening to music. While their car is on. So... you don't care about other people, is what you're saying? Or is what you're saying you care so much more about yourself than the environment? No matter how you argue this, it's not acceptable to leave your car running.

And I always bug my friends about that when they keep it running and we're just sitting around and talking. You're wasting fuel, you're using up your car, you're causing harm! Yet no one here really cares enough when they do this. And so many people do this!!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The issue that concern me

Hey there fellow humans and non-human intruders,

It's been a while, yes, but it's been a busy while. Over here it's gotten windy, and cold, so I'm finding myself devoting a lot of time to sulking and being upset about having to walk outside. It's also raining a lot, which sucks. But other than that, I am through a round of papers and stuff for uni, so that's good news. And thanksgiving is coming up with a weekend of Turkeypalooza at campus kitchen here. Exciting!

But now here's the thing: I have to write a philosophy paper and I'm struggling. Yeah, that's my issue for the week, OK!
So, that's the update. But here's some up-to-date problems around the world in case mine isn't big enough for you...
Case one
or this one...
or this little video

So enjoy worldwide misery while I sulk because of wind and a paper to write....

Sunday, 30 October 2011

First of all, I love you all so much I can't even describe it in words. Thank you so much for all the wonderfulness, I wish we all lived in the same place so I could hug you and be more appreciative than this, but I love you to death.

Second, you are awesome, Anna and Chili. Just, you know, pointing out what awe already said.

Third, although in the middle of the night, I freaking loved the phone call that confused me for a little while because it made me feel amazing and I was surprised I could get long distance calls. And I love you. And also, it made me really happy.

Fourth, skipped because of bad luck.

Fifth, I have to get up in 3 hours and 45 minutes, so good night my awesome amazing readers. <3

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Highlight of the day? Saltines for dinner and a 9 o'clock bedtime. Yes please.

Monday, 24 October 2011


Dear Chili,


Friday, 21 October 2011


Aso, iich bin fascht explodiert wiil ich han di ganz ziet scho wele schriebe aber han denkt viellicht soell i das mal nett sii und noed meckere. Aber i han mich anderscht entschide und mecker jetzt mal los. Also, erstens, miini lieb mitbewohnerin isch so verdammt luut. Sie stampft die ganz ziit i de wonig ume. Und mit stampfe mein ich sie machts extra wills so hohl doent mit dem zement bode. Den saeg ich ire sie soell doch noed so luut sie, das ghoered alli im huus. Sie seit mir denn das de bode zement isch und niemert chan das ghoere. aber denn meckeret sie ja au wenn'd nachbere hei choemed und luut sind. Also choem mer sie ghoere und anderi ghoered mini mitbewohnerin wenn sie ruecksichtsloos durt wonig stampft und ich krig fascht en aafall....

Denn dut sie ja no so super assozial dicke luet entgege. Sobald oeper oepis dicker isch werdet die verarscht. Haesch den nonig in spiegel glueg, liebe dame? Aso, ganz eerlich, du chasch da noed anderi verarsche wenn'd selber noed a schlanks meideli bisch. aber au suescht soell mer doch anderi eifach lebe laa.. ich mein, ich fuel mich au agsproche wenn sie so asozial isch und gemein isch andere entgege.

und susch no. mein gott... ich schtaas fascht nueme uus. in e paar wuuche chunt iire fruend au no und daenn verschwind ich eifach. ich chan sie noed uus sta und denn beidi zaeme isch ja no schlimmer. aso, sie haet mich ja mit nach californie gno, aber denn nachher haet sie so bloed ta vo waege es saeg komisch gsi mit mier de bi.. ich han das nur fuer sie gmacht wiil sie noed haet wele e leige sii mit ihrem daenn ex fruend... bitte, schlampe....

dummi chue...

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Oh, so the art continues. This image represents the turmoil present in poverty stricken countries in southern Asia. Or, you know, it's a polar bear surrounded by colours.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Give me your best

While Sunday clearly had a lot to offer (see previous post), I always feel Monday is the most deciding day of the week. And it was not started off well. If I could dance it for you my interpretive dance would encapsulate a twirl of confusion, a couple of bounces of stress, a swoosh of organization after chaos, bows of resolution, and mostly lunges of frustration. Following the interpretive dance I set the house on fire and lock the emergency exits.

I think sometimes Mondays just do that to you. So I hope my trip to the gym will just make it a little better. I might even do some exercise, but I'm not sure of that one yet. We'll see how I feel about my butt later....

Sunday, 16 October 2011

The value of simplicity

As a college student I can really appreciate the simple things in life. While we are learning higher information at our institute of higher education, we know that there are certain things you never unlearn. There are other things that revert back to those of your childhood years. The simple things you may learn are that you can go to cheap outlets and shop by the pound. That means the entire store has just a bunch of donated stuff that you can have and you pay by putting your shopping cart on the scale. 
What kind of stuff can you find there? Everything, everything someone may have owned before and now parted ways with, including old dishes, clothes, shoes, books, TVs, paintings, and letters from mothers saying she is fed up of paying rent and will not send more money... ever. 

I ended up with picture frames and old books, from which I ripped pictures and put them in the frames. Voila! Immediate classy pictures for my home.
Also, I learned people go crazy when new stuff come in the carts and you do NOT want to get in their way... crazy I tell you.

I also reverted back to my wonderful child self by spending study breaks drawing with my fingers. It was glorious, fulfilling, and relaxing. We talked about the wonders of naps, and decided to have another study break two hours later, during which we got frozen yogurt. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


 Well hello there, people who live in the real world. Luckily I do not belong to you people because we all know that I could possibly not survive that. Here's why. Today.
Today has been an interesting day. I woke up in the morning, after staying up too long. I would like to say I stayed up so long because I was studying or something intellectual like that, sadly, I cannot lie on the internet. Ask me in real life, I'll tell you I did math work, solving the equation to life. In fact, I was... well, I was watching a movie in front of my opened books. They were not read, just opened. So this morning I woke up tired. Exhausted from my late night procrastinating, I thought today I would get a little more done.

Here is the day in a little simpler terms:
7:45 wake up
8:00 take nap
8:30 wake up
8:35 go to class
9:00 be in class, fake paying attention, dream about my glorious bed.
9:15 struggle to stay awake
9:20 feel physical pain for being awake
11:45 finally free from classes, remember the next two classes were cancelled. skip gym. go home
12:15 arrive home, go to bed.
15:30 wake up go to work
15:35 meet stranger, talk
16:00 make it to work just on time
17:45 linger in office to get off work early
18:15 arrive at home
18:16 have dinner, awesome chicken pumpkin soup
18:25 think about going back to bed

Yeah, sloth, I knowst thy face.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Bikers... oh dear Bikers

I used to think it was really great having a motor bike. I wish I could drive one without tipping over. I wish I had one to drive around traffic with.But after today I'm not so sure anymore. We went out for a wonderful day in a national park. We went hiking and had lunch there. Actually we went walking for 5 minutes then had an hour and a half break, then walked another 10 minutes. That was hiking for us.

Well, after eating cookies, looking at a lake that was really just a little swamp thing, acting out an imaginary play about a troll under a bridge, having a philosophical discussion about trees and noises in forests, we decided to head home. We wanted to have a movie night, but it was probably best that we ended up working and being really really productive.

Anyway, on our way home, on the highway driving like 80-100km/h, we drove onto the highway not knowing there were 200 or more bikers on the highway. They were sitting on the handlebars, doing wheelies, speeding obnoxiously then slowing down really hard, and swerving around cars. They were being more than obnoxious with their own lives, but putting others at peril. We drove carefully but at several points almost hit bikers who were being stupid and swinging from lane to lane. It was scary and to the point that we called 911. We told them where they were heading and that the bikers were cutting us off from driving where we had to, and being precarious with their and our lives.

Pictures from

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Why we should care about the Dangers of Foreign Species to an Ecosystem

Natural habitats and diversity are being destroyed by humans and most people are ignorant to the consequences of such destruction. The loss of biodiversity can be observed in Hawaii, as Wilson explains in his book “The future of life”. In Hawaii, before people populated and changed the island, there used to be 125-145 types of birds (p43), vast exotic landscapes, and species that could not be found anywhere else. Today, after years of hunting and population, only about 35 species of birds still exist, 24 of them endangered (p43). It is important for us to understand the consequences of our actions, as is otherwise demanded of us anyway. While we are told to know that police will chase us if we steal, our friends will hate us if we cheat, and our families will be disappointed if we lie, no one teaches us in the same way that species will go extinct if we destroy their ecosystem, they will go extinct if we bring in other animals, bugs, and plants into their home, and perhaps most importantly, our actions will impact future generations negatively.
find it here

In Hawaii, 902 flowering plant species (p44) and 35% of insects (p47) are alien. With Polynesian seafarers also came pigs, rats, plants, and other organism that did not previously occupy the island. This invasion did not stop then, as Americans also brought other birds, mammals, and plants with them for domestication. Causing extinction like this can stop us from reaping the benefits of this exotic land we are destroying. Perhaps there are medical benefits of some plants that have now been destroyed by non-native plants and insects? Perhaps a native mammal could have become another popular meat product that would have spared us so much waste of grain and pollution of the environment that is being caused by, for instance, China’s pig industries or large bovine industries. But with still continued destruction of ecosystems we will never be able to learn everything we would like to from species now endangered or extinct.

find more info here

Not only the have we lost some benefits from species now endangered or extinct, many ecosystems have non-native species destroying their lands already in delicate condition since human population. Countries such as Australia are working a lot harder to keep foreign species out of their country, although such animals as the cane toad were already brought into the country long ago and have caused a great deal of damage over the past decades, especially to crops and native wildlife and insects. Other animals, such as the rabbit, are also abundant in Australia and are affecting agriculture greatly. With a lot of ground uninhabitable or unfertile to crops such as maize or oats, the agriculture in Australia greatly relies on the available land. However, non-native species that destroy these lands may cause them to be destroyed for a very long time, long after they have left the area. This has hopefully obvious disadvantages for future generations, as agriculture becomes more important with more people inhabiting the world, yet fertile land and other resources for agriculture become more difficult to obtain.

While many people ignore the fear expressed by ecologists, the long term impact of such careless distribution of species and destruction of the biosphere may not go unnoticed for long. The human population is increasing like never before and countries are scrambling to be able to provide both food and other needs for their people. While “balance” is a difficult word to use in science, it is a word that can be used to make things more clear. People need to recognize the “balance” needed in nature, the “balance” we need to find as inhabitants of this biosphere. “Balance” is not equilibrium, but rather understanding and acceptance that we are not the only inhabitants that need help and need the earth.

What next?

I wonder why people make Oreo cookies. I mean, turn Oreo cookies into other cookies... Oreos are already cookies. Is that not enough? What more do you need, man!?! Next thing you'll be turning water into wine! Outrageous...

Saturday, 1 October 2011

He's never coming back...

Is drinking completely out of control? Yes, I think so. The other day I went to a concert of a cool-freaking hip hop dude and it was amazing. The amazing part was his songs are awesome. The not so amazing part was that there were tons of people so super drunk it wasn't even funny anymore.

We got to the concert and already we smelt illegal substances flirting in the air. People were smoking indoors and spending the most of the warm up time before the main act either drinking excessively or smoking illegally. People were stumbling around, into people, onto the floor, throwing cups around, smoking indoors while security looked for them very ineffectively.

It was embarrassing to see the student body of my uni stumbling their way through activities fees the way they did. People were drinking from flasks, cheaper than buying something there, they were screaming their heads off, and frankly, embarrassing us in front of a performer. There were three wonderful contestents for most ridiculous act of the night:
  1. Mr. Showed-the-performer-his-middle-finger flipped off the performer right in front of him. The performer stopped and called him out on it. Wy such anger? he asks, is this some political debate or what? the performer only has songs about happiness and good times, so why the middle finger? I mean, totally legit question for Mr. STPHMF... douche. Everyone booed him, haha!
  2. Mr. Held-up-a-sign that read Smile if You Masturbate. Yup, it happened.. it happened ... proud, so proud. Again, the performer took it and said this is stupid, and then threw the sign away back stage. Awesome. So much respect for the performer I have. 
  3. Mr. Threw-paper-balls-at-the-performer of flyers about saving puppies. The performer actually stopped and asked people to stop doing it. Yet they continued. It was another fine moment here in the Lou.

  This particular performer is never coming back here again....

Pictures by

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The college experience

Sometimes I read books. Sometimes I read books that are prescribed to be read by professors. When I do read the books, and well enough to understand them, I really appreciate it. I think... But the book I've been reading for environmental ethics class is really worth it. While it's confusing and sometimes super technical, it does make me think. Surprise surprise. Yes, I can do that sometimes. But now I was seriously thinking. 

Back in the day, when countries set out to 'colonize' places, what made them think when they landed on a new land, sometimes even seeing people there already, that this was now their land? They claimed land already claimed. Power and winners write history, right? They also decide who owns what and who can own what others already own. Winning has a different meaning in countries that feel they are better, more modern, more forward, and just generally the country. 

Those that landed in a country that seemed uninhabited soon afterwards found people. It was rarely the feeling of being completely alone. It was never really: we landed in some empty land that is absolutely ours. It was rarely ever completely empty. Say, America. The Indians were there, right? So what made all the countries believe they could rip it apart, take the land, lock up the people? What makes it alright and how could we accept that so readily? It underlines the whole egocentric idea that we're trying to shake. So many countries are guilty of such a move. France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, England, the US, etc etc. Oh wait, what's that? The Western countries? Yes, look at that. The Western countries are especially guilty of this and it's just been accepted. I don't know what to do about it now, what we are guilty of as individuals, but please think about it next time you disrespect people, foreigners, locals, or natives. 
Maybe they're not so different from you?

Pictures from

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Pies R Us

Hello friends,

I made a pie the other day and would like to share the amazingness that is this pie creation. I don't do recipe writing well, so just imagine the following as a well structured, professional looking recipe

Pie number 1 is a pie with puff pastry, mushrooms, chicken, and leek. I cooked the chicken after cutting it into bite sized pieces, added the mushrooms, garlic, and the leek. I let it all cook until the mushroom sauces were cooked away and the chicken and leek were nice and juicy. Then I put the puff pastry in the pie form, added the mixture that was herbed with a mix of Italian herbs, and baked it for some time, like 30 minutes or somewhat. I added eggs to the top too, so it looked nice and shiny.

It was awesome.

Pie number 2 was a little more challenging, for me, so for everyone else it would have been easier... anyway. I made a potato cream, mushroom, and turkey bacon pie. I cooked the thinly sliced potatoes in half cream half milk, enough to cover it, and let the cream thicken. Once it cooked well through I added sauce thickener so it would solidify a little. Then I cooked the turkey bacon and the mushrooms, sliced too, and let both things cool down. I put the puff pastry in the pie form, added the now cool potatoes cream mixture, and then added the mushroom bacon mixture on top of that, folded the pie over, added a shiny-fying egg, and baked for another like 30 minutes or whatever. It looked like following-

It's delicious also..

I also made this one day!

That was good too. it's cheese cream sauce with peas and turkey bacon.
I like turkey bacon...

Monday, 26 September 2011

Where grown-ups are made

I thought, at the age of roughly 20, people would have learned most of the basic life skills out there. But I was wrong. I think there are plenty of people out there that have somehow missed all the important lectures in life, slept through the tests, and just generally disregard the notices and emails from their professors informing them about their pending failure.
I thought one of the most important life lessons most people will have learned at this point is that you need to flush the toilet after use. Sadly, many university students and others around here still fail to do this regularly and leave toilets unflushed every day. This probably country wide epidemic is not only gross, but also limits my abilities to rush to the bathroom if needed. Luckily I have not experienced this first hand, because I have heard enough about this and tend to avoid such public/uni bathrooms, I have obviously heard of many of them... It's disgusting. 

Grow up people. 

Pictures from

Friday, 16 September 2011

Like Crazy, seriously

Sometimes relationships baffle me. People say I love you, and I care for you. But once they're apart it's a whole different story. Long distance relationships baffle me the most. Not that people are in them, or that it's hard not to see the person you love for so long. The thing I don't understand is that people think it might not work. Does love dilute after a certain amount of km? Is it dough that thins out and eventually breaks if you pull it too far? I just can't grasp the idea of: If you're with me, then you're physically with me. If you're not physically with me then you're not with me.

The title of this blog is referring to a movie that is coming out. You can watch the trailer for "like crazy" on youtube, and you'll understand hopefully what I'm talking about. I just don't get it that people can't deal with long distance relationships at ALL. I understand it's difficult because you love them so much. But does that mean if you love them so much and can't do it long distance you should start seeing other people? Is it about the physical contact that you're missing? Is it the kissing and the sex? I just don't get it.

I thought that if you love someone, I mean, really love someone, then you can make long distance work, even if it hurts. You don't have to say "Would it be easier if you could see other people?" and keep going with the relationship. Does that mean you're breaking up? Well, not in all cases, open relationships are the new IT thing.

I'm not the expert on how it feels in a long distance relationship, I just can't grasp the idea of saying something like "lets see other people but still be together". If you love each other and want to still be together, you should have the need to see other people on the side. Then you're letting your physical being take over, don't you think?
Please, can someone enlighten me?

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Today has been an interesting day, and a pretty big failure. Lets start at the first event. I passed a dead squirrel, and by dead squirrel I mean it fell of a tree and died right there, for no apparent reason. I passed it and thought some deep thought about immortality and the circle of life. But then I realized, up until then I just always assumed animals disappear when they die. Poof, dead and gone. It's a harsh reality out there, harsh life...

But then comes the even better part of my day so far. Oh mind you, it's only like 6pm, so this can get a whole lot worse still... We'll see. 
But anyway, I made lunch, leftovers from a meeting yesterday where we cooked. I made it nicely, had a veg, a meat, and pasta salad. I even got a glass of water and brought it up to my room. Not having a real table really changes things, so I set the plate down on the edge of the little table i have, in front of my computer and next to my bed. As I turn on my computer I think, "I hope I don't spill this all over the freaking floor..." Then, my computer slips and what happens? My plate spills on the bed and on the floor. All i could catch was the chicken. Great, my entire lunch lost. Good thing I had dinner planned... except, I don't. Orange juice for dinner it is...

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Mission Metabolism

As you may or may not know, nutrition is important. That is why I have decided to start once again to completely round out my intake of food and accept back into my heart the foods I have been neglecting for so long. Yes, I am talking about chocolate. It was a glorious day. Yesterday, with tons of food out for the party and plenty more to come for deserts that I have been baking and making in the past two days, I knew I was going to crack and just accept it as inevitable. I was going to relapse. I had been working so hard, only having chocolate once in a while, in ice cream or something, on bad days, the usual. But this time it was different. This time it was going to happen on a larger scale. Not only was I going to have chocolate, I was going to have cookies and cake as well. 

Yeah, it was quite a feast. With Toggeburger, banana bread, hazelnut cookies with Nutella, and marshmallow chocolate bites, it was going to be difficult to stay away. And so I didn't. I realized though one very important thing. I decided I wasn't going to focus on weight loss anymore, saying that I just need to exercise and eat less. Eat healthier. etc etc. I eat healthy, clearly... I think from now on I'm just going to blame my metabolism. 

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


So moving day has come and we were up bright and early at 10:30. I moved around some things and got boxes ready, and at 11:20 we had the first load of the car packed up and ready to drive to the new place. Once there we met with the maintenance and facilities guys and they gave us our keys and showed us everything again. That's when we suddenly heard about things our leasing guy had forgotten to mention somehow. 

  1. Renter's insurance is mandatory.... we had no idea and don't know how to get it either, our leasing guy was no help when we asked him about it. And he also never mentioned it was mandatory.
  2. Although internet is included in the building and we were told there's Wifi in the building, it turns out we need to contact the internet provider and get them to set up our internet... then they will send the bill to the people owning the building. I can't believe he didn't tell us this, because now we're moving in there and we have no internet.
  3. We need to call the electricity company and change the name. We have to contact them, try to get them to figure out what we're talking about because we don't have the account number, and set the people up to change the apartment to our name... Why exactly is it that we have to contact everyone for this crap???

But that's not even all. Moving day could have been so much more calming, but also more difficult for so many reasons. Pro: we had two great friends helping us out and they were fantastic. They helped carry stuff up and down and didn't complain once. They were great. 
Aber dann war ja noch die Eine und ihre Muti. Unglaublich wie stur und unfreundlich beide sind, sogar zu einander.Und jetzt bin ich erschoepft. 

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Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The end of junior year

WOOO! I'm all done with exams, all packed up, organized, and ready. Tomorrow morning we get our new keys and move all our stuff. But first, tonight we're having friends over for a bachelorette party. I can't wait, we're going to have drinks here and then go to an Arabic restaurant. And then when I get home we'll get ready to go to a club with specials and dance. I haven't danced in so long, I feel the need, like a drug...... yes, exactly. And right now? We're being really academic. We're watching Star Trek for the second time in three days. It's pretty great!

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Monday, 16 May 2011

Wait for it...

So I wish I could update you guys on some cool outings I did, like going to a baseball game and sitting in great box seats, but my camera doesn't connect to my computer for some reason, the SD chip won't work... so that will have to wait. For now, let me just tell you all about what's happening right now. Today, like last Thursday, I had to get up at 6 in the morning. It was exhausting. I studies, took a nap about thirty minutes later for 30 minutes, then studied some more, and went to my exam. This morning I had an exam, and while it was on media I was confident I would do ok. I watch TV and movies all the time, how hard could it be? Well, it wasn't, just in case you were expecting the contrary. It was easy, I was done in an hour. I even ended my essay in the essay section about the importance of understanding media with: As a wise man once said, "with great power comes great responsibility." And in case some of you don't know the quote, it's from Spiderman. I thought it was appropriate since the class was also about movies and such.

Now I had to wait three hours, which are almost over. In 30 minutes I have my last exam here of my junior year at university. I can't wait to get it over with because there are big plans this week! Tonight, a friend of mine wanted to do a trip, although she has been MIA for the past three days. We'll see. Tomorrow another friend is having a bachelorette party and we're going out for drinks and dinner. Wednesday we move in to our new place and I'll be all packed up. I can't wait to unpack! I just love packing and unpacking!! Good thing, because I seem to do it so much. I've lived in 4 different places in the past three years not including this upcoming place.

Then Thursday I'm hanging out with the parents of a friend who is graduating. We'll be going around the city I think. Should be nice since it's warming up again from sub freezing temperatures mid May! Stupid weather god... seriously, what's wrong with you? And Friday and Saturday are various graduations and I get to wear my new awesome dresses. They're so pretty, I can't wait. I can't wait because Saturday brings the day before my flight back home. Meaning I'll be such a wreck all day because I'm too excited. I'll be gitty and happy all day and pack and sleep in my new room for the first time, and move the last things. And then Sunday morning I'll be off to fly home for the summer. This week shall be Legen- wait for it...

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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Ich erwarte dich schon... so very long aready....

The long awaited end. Finally, the 2010-2011 school year is coming to an end. Although I don't like seeing friends leave to the real world, or as I now like to call it, hell, I still am very very excited and relieved that in two days I will be finishing up my exams and moving on to the break. We'll be packing up all our things and moving to our new home too, so that's another exciting step. In addition, three of my good friends are graduating and I am here to see it, so I can also prepare for my own graduation and wonder who will trip and fall while getting their diplomas. While I study and stress about things, great news reached me from all the way back home. Everything is alright. The rock that fell from my heart has never been larger. Although I have been told, it's probably nothing serious, this happens to many people and it's mostly OK, you never really know and your mind just always thinks the worst. You get me.

So now that this week has come to a happy end, having started so awfully, I'm relieved that everything is falling into place. Just a week and I'll be nervous about coming home. The long long flight, but it will be worth it, and for once I am actually nto bothered by the hours on end spent in the plane, I can live with it. It will end and I'll be home. And home will be great. I'm so excited it's difficult to contain. But just another week. The week will pass quick, I tell it to. Monday, exam, second exam, 10 minute celebration, job interview, more celebration. Tuesday, packing more packing, more packing, getting furniture, sleeping and eating. Wednesday moving out and moving in. Unpacking so I have my suitcase back. Relaxing because everything went well. And then it's already graduation and I can wear my new awesome dresses. And then the night before I fly I probably can't sleep so it will be fine and I'll sleep in the plane. Whoo!!! If I weren't in the library right now, feigning studying for my exams, I would jump around of excitement. But I think it would be misinterpreted by the other students that already look unhappy that I'm typing so furiously. So off I go, to real studying. I'll check in with you again soon because I'll have more time and more reason to celebrate once exams are over.
Live long and prosper.

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Saturday, 7 May 2011

Well there goes my captain's log run.... Cinco de Mayo Margarita night and the next day Cardinals box seats were too tempting for the alcoholic in me. A month was good enough....

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Captains log: Day 30

I've had two days of drinking in the past month. That is all. That's right! No alcohol for almost an entire month!!
It's like the world is going under.

And now?

The semester is quickly coming to an end. One more week of classes, then 10 days of finals and 4 days of moving. After that, I'm home free. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's start here. The one week of classes. I have finished all my assignments, just got it done today actually. And geez was there a lot of work. but you know me, always getting my stuff done on time. Good good. But then why am I here. Well, now that I have a week to spend doing nothing and attending classes that right now are presentations or group meetings mostly, what shall I do... what shall I do. I've been working on trying to figure out what I want to do for a while now. But you know the rules of college: technically I should start working on the next thing now --> exam preparation. But that's not going to happen. Too much time between now and the exams to be worth it. I'll forget everything. So, I have decided to spend my time watching movies, eating. going to the gym, and playing games. So productive. 

I made delicious banana bread the other day. And today I had stir fry the healthy way. Oven and microwaved frozen veggies. I'm convinced that's healthy, so don't rain on my parade. 
And then comes the packing. I'm so excited to go home and move apartments here that I just want to start already. I've been looking at my things and trying to figure out how I want to pack it all. Then I also wanted to figure out if I wanted to take two bags home or not. I would have enough things to take but I guess I could stick to one... But we'll see.. for now:

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Friday, 29 April 2011

The Royal Everything

Oh gosh, everything is suddenly royal, isn't it. I searched Kate in Google. As in, I searched "Kate", and all I got was about the future Duchess of Cambridge. There's plates, cups, clocks, glasses, hats, t-shirts, jewelery, absolutely everything that you can get that has their face on it. Websites dedicated only to this day. Here, 4:30 in the morning, we're watching the people get to the wedding slowly but surely. Most exciting so far? Hoping that Beckham's hat will poke out her eye.
William is there, Harry is looking spectacular, Charles is spiffy, and the Queen is yellow. Let's see what happens next.
Kate is gorgeous, that's for sure. The dress looks great, lace and long and ten foot train and veil. I can't wait to see how this soap opera unfolds.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Tornado Tornado Tornado!

It's tornado season. How do I know? There was a tornado everyday for the past 5 days. It starts with dark skies in the morning. 7:30 in the morning I wake up and get ready to leave. I have to go to court to observe. Everything's ok, we're inside. But the entire time the room, coated completely in wood, sounds as if it's going to collapse. I'm not surprised anymore when I find out it's stormy outside and the house, being old, is probably shifting naturally from the extreme winds. When we leave around 11:30 the rain stopped but it was dark skies still. Heading back to school in the car we know it's going to be a rough day. It gets darker and darker when finally, when I get out it starts to pour like you've never seen. (no, I kid, Hong Kong is just as bad if not worse.)

The tornado goes crazy. It rips apart the airport here and everything... Now, the airport is closed for two days because of the destruction. You had me worried there about my flight back home there, tornado. Tz tz. And this has been going on for days. Today we wanted to go to a state park but couldn't because of fear of having to drive back in a tornado. Of all things, that's what I want to avoid. So we decided to stay in and just do something in the evening. Now it's evening and it's so grey and gross outside that we can't go to the museum we wanted to go to because it has an outside section we wanted to have fun with and even the drive there might be dangerous later on tonight. So now, really, we're staying put in my place and watching Jumaji and Betelgeuse. Pretty epic still though. 

Let's hope there's no more tornadoes. Now that the airport is destroyed the next big thing is the stadium and then the universities.... 

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Sunday, 17 April 2011

Be a champ!

On another note, dear friends, my sister is taking part in a Ride to Conquer Cancer bike ride in Australia. I hope you can take some time out of your busy day and have a look.
If you would like to help out her and her fundraising for this Ride, please take some time and look at her site and donate. Anything is greatly appreciated as it will go directly to the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, researching cures for cancer and helping people in their fight against cancer.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Para que? Parakeet!

I'm writing this as is expected
Mom, your challenge is accepted.
Here is my blog of sheer perfection
I'll add a rhyme to my collection.

This week passed with relative ease
the weekend, though, was a complete tease.
It was sunny all week and really warm
Now that it's Friday there's a storm.
Tomorrow it's predicted it will be cold
Weather here is so freaking uncontrolled.

What have I done all this week?
Nothing really very fun.
Tonight we went on an egg hunt
But it was more of a stunt.
There were so many people that were super aggressive
it wasn't so great and the prizes weren't very impressive.

The other day I stayed up all night
I left the library when it was already bright.
And now I don't really have more so say
So... goodbay...

Monday, 11 April 2011

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Sunday, 10 April 2011

Captains Log: Day 9

It's been 9 days since I gave up drinking. That's right world, the end has come.
I stopped drinking for some simple reasons. I don't have a black out drunk story, so if you were hoping for that you might as well stop reading now.

I'm saving money, calories, and brain cells. Mostly the brain cells. Those of you who know me, can you believe I've gotten more forgetful?? Can you please post some brain exercises to get a better memory? Last Thursday I couldn't remember what I did on Monday. So now just don't ever ask me to remember anything for you. It won't end well. But anyway, back to the story. I've gone out already and was completely sober, that was a new experience. It was still fun, I still met people, it wasn't awkward with m friends. So, good work to all those that have done this already. I have to remind myself each time that I'm not drinking. But it's working and I feel like detoxing is working well. I'll keep you updated...
I miss you, drinks. Margaritas.... hmmm......

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Monday, 4 April 2011

Oh and another thing

And I didn't even have creative space for the other things that are bothering me. For one, aren't professors supposed to be encouraging? Well, I guess he can go with it because he's just a part time professor while he's a full time cop, or something. But really? You have to tell us constantly that we're naive and stupid for wanting to be a cop for the reasons we have? I covered this in another post, so catch up if you need. But basically, it's the professor that tells us we have stupid perceptions of what cops and detectives do and that we'll be disappointed. But recently he went on a completely different path. Suddenly he is telling us that only the really stupid and dedicated ones should go into social work and services. 

Only those that really, really want to should work in that field because it doesn't pay well and it's a lot of work. Oh, I see, so you, sir, went into the business of being a cop because of all the glitz and glamour? Yeah, I didn't think so. In fact, I think you were the stupid student you are talking about that hoped being a detective was all Law and Order or CSI. I'm sure you were also the one that hoped for shootouts and hot pursuits and now suddenly realize that's not it. Maybe some people aren't actually out for fame and glory. Maybe I don't care as much about living in a giant home in the nice suburbs, which we keep hearing about because he gets paid well from these two jobs... -_-     but maybe, just maybe, some people aren't out for the money and actually want to help people! No way! I know!

Now you're going around telling us we are stupid? 
OK, fine, let's say that's true. But don't go ripping on every damn profession you can find so that suddenly everyone is second guessing what they are doing and losing their track completely. Don't teach us what is your opinion and decide to talk about that for 20 minutes and then just fly over the stuff we're supposed to know for the exam then. So once we have the exam all I can think about is how social work is for crazy people and have no idea what the point of this class was. 

I can't wait to write this professor's evaluation. I hope you second guess your job and think about what you're actually teaching people. Jack ass. 
Excuse me.... I need to go wish for some sort of miracle.

This day was so productive...................

Just so you know, I'm going on another rant. So you can ignore this if you like....
It's fascinating how the mind works, it really is. Today, the hottest day so far this year. We had about 28 degrees  Celsius. For days we knew this day would come. We planned, we said, Sunday we are going to the park to study, so get everything else done so we can enjoy the day outside. Sunday comes and I have all my work done so I can enjoy the park. I think, I can read in the park and get some nap time in. But Sunday comes for the others, most of whom actually came up with the plan in the first place, and I hear not a word from them. I finally give in, write them on the famed social network, is everyone still alive? Are we still going to the park? It's fantastic outside and I'm already missing out on some sun rays that have my name on them. 

I wish...

I'm waiting for a response from three others to see if they are still alive. One minute away from calling 911 I get a message. Oh, sorry, I can't go. I have a lot of work to do. And one after the other the disappointing messages flow in. I'm sitting here, after waking up a little earlier than my normal some-time-after-lunch wake up and wonder why I even bothered. 
So yes, you discovered the point of this post. It's that there is none here. It's not the first time, heck, it's not even the second. I don't think I can count it all on one hand. And to that, my disappointment led me to say heck! Can you believe it?!? But yeah, day after day I make plans with my friends and each time I'm shot down. My classes are easy right now, I get my work done ahead of time and do my reading diligently. I am done in time to participate, I do everything well. I get good grades, I get good papers done. And somehow I'm the only person in this place that manages to do that. Somehow, no one else here can get their papers done before the due date. Somehow no one can get their reading done before the day we planned 5 days in advance. Somehow, no one can manage to keep their promise with me because I am getting fed up of this constant let down. I'm bored out of my mind here and it's making this entire semester mind numbing
And so I sat indoors the entire day because I was bored and I didn't want to go anywhere by myself. I sat indoors watching Family Guy and movies because my friends were too lame to come outside with me, even just for lunch. So you suddenly don't eat? But I dropped what I did almost every day for the past three weeks to come by your place so we could still see each other. I dropped what I did and had lunch near your place, across campus, because you didn't have time to walk over to my place. I spent an evening in the library with you so you could study while I almost melted into the chair because I had no idea what I wanted to do. No, none of that matters. I understand now. I understand that you come first, for everyone. 

But whatever, I just spent my day getting even further ahead with work so I can be even more bored the next time we have plans and my dear friends shoot me down. 
If you need me I'll be in my room.

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